
Friday, March 24, 2023

Galaxies, a Gyre and a Family of Wolves


Earth seen from Hubble telescope

I am too weary for a revolution,
but a peace march I can manage,
(if it's not too far.) Beyond the falcon's flight
are galaxies; beneath, a gyre,
circling and circling
in the sea.

Once an eagle swooped so close
I saw every feather. A poet could make
something of that, if she were not
so tired. I will toss in an elephant's tusk,
still attached to her face, thank God,
to give this poem added interest,
and a family of wolves
on this side of the globe
- equally beautiful,
   and threatened,
   equally challenged in finding
       a safe place to live.

For Shay's Word List, inspired by the poet Michael McClure, and sharing with earthweal's open link.


  1. I hear you, Sherry. Wouldn't it be nice to relax knowing the planet and its creatures were safe. (Jo from

  2. Somehow I just knew you'd like this week's list, Sherry!

  3. There's a life-lived spentness about this piece that I totally understand.

  4. As ever, in your words the animals speak and the birds call above us. I love the mood of retrospection mixed with introspection mixed with the great fatigue these last years seem to have brought us all. I think all of us are under the threat of your last line in one way or another.

  5. Gorgeous poetry, Lady Sherry of the Wild Place. The Earth looks shrouded in misery from the Hubble.

  6. I think we are all too weary for a revolution, but it seems that many places in the world are on the verge of one. Peace marches are good, but where are they today? Animals as well as humans all need a safe place to live. May it come to pass....somehow.

  7. A poet could make
    something of that, if she were not
    so tired - that hit hard. That weariness with the state of things seeps into the bones.. your poem resonates deeply, Sherry.

  8. Such a beautiful, sensitive, moving and heartwarming poem, Sherry.

    I love how you begin with "I am too weary for a revolution," I feel instant empathy for you that grows and swells with every line onward. So much heart in this poem, it really speaks of who you are and I am moved <3


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