
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Things To Do on a Grey Damp Morning in September


Give thanks for a cancelled appointment, so you can stay in cozily all day. Make a leisurely cup of coffee and try the new coffee creamer which is unexpectedly delicious. 

Admire the sunflowers, a note of cheer against grey sky, a heart-lift every time you see them. Sunflowers turn their faces to the sun. Turn the vase to face the window, so they don't hurt their necks.

Write a poem, because nothing much else will be accomplished today. 

If you have the ingredients, make a pot of soup. If you don't, put vegetables on the shopping list and try again tomorrow. 

Call someone who is lonely, who has been waiting for your call. Hang up, grateful you still have your mobility, no matter how limited. In houses all across the world are stories of people struggling, loving, grieving, suffering, surviving. Consider yourself lucky to have the life you have. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude for it all.

Watch two movies, back to back. The day is all yours.


  1. You have given me enough smiles to last forever with this one ....

  2. Ah, the glamorous life of a writer! Ok to tell your disabled friend a reader sent person good wishes.

  3. Oh I love this list! "Turn the vase to face the window, so they don't hurt their necks." - is the most beautiful thing I have read in a while.

  4. Hi Sherry... thought I would leave the blog link here, not sure if wordpress will send you notifications. It is - That has all of the story so far and the readings!


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