
Tuesday, August 30, 2022



Stamp Falls

Sing me a song of river, green and wild,
as it makes its steadfast journey to the sea.
With its beauty I'm enchanted and beguiled,
in the wildlands, where my spirit feels most free.

As it makes its steadfast journey to the sea,
sing to me with Raven's husky gobble-cry.
In the wildlands, where my spirit feels most free,
the Old Trees listen to my whispered sigh.

Sing to me with Raven's husky gobble-cry,
with grak! of heron, hoot of sleepy owl.
As the Old Trees listen to my whispered sigh,
sing me eagle's shriek and Old Wolf's howl.

With krak! of heron, hoot of sleepy owl,
all is beauty. I'm enchanted and beguiled.
Sing me eagle's shriek and Old Wolf's howl.
Sing me a song of river, green and wild.


  1. Such a lovely ode to nature. I love how the poem captures so much of what's around us while focusing on the passage of the river at the same time.

  2. Rivers and birds are so interconnected. Full of spirits.

  3. Sing me these songs - I love the use of the
    refrain and all the wonderful creatures. There is enchantment everywhere if only we would see.

  4. The riverine weaving here is enchanted and beguiled, woven of water and the voices of the wild.

  5. Such an evocative poem. You have made the song of the river live in your own unique way.

  6. I see you there in the middle of it all, Sherry.

  7. Lyrical! I love it!

    Probably not enough to travel, I'd like to hear a heron krakl. Ours fronk, croak, and skeow (depending on species).


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