
Friday, July 15, 2022



Song of the river wild,
Song of the rapids leaping
Through the chiseled rock-walled chasm
Green with weeping,
A plunging torrent
To the ocean seeping.

Song of the sea-green foam
Song of the white froth dancing
Sun-dappled baby wave-tops prancing
In the sunshine, all my dreams

Song of the green rock wall,
A vessel for the river's journey,
Guiding the flow along the channel churning
To the ocean and as it's

Song of the tall green trees
Rootbound and stoic in the deep crevasses
Rooted in bedrock holding up the mountain,
Sentinels for every year
that passes.

Song of the laughing brook
Below the rapids green, swirling and babbling
Huge salmon leap,
Fall back in shallows dabbling,
Plunge forth to lunge again,
Leaping and scrabbling.

Song of the river wild,
You sing my tattered soul a new song,
Bless the silver beauty of this new day,
Make me know the path I'm on
Is not wrong.

Song of the seasoned soul
That knows the underlying message
Of the river:
Flow with me,
Not against me as we journey;
Travel lightly,
Not a taker,
But a giver.

An old one from 2002, written about Stamp Falls, the wildest place I could find to take Pup in the years we lived in Port. In fall, the most amazing salmon migration happens there, the fish making impossible leaps up the rocky rapids. Breathtaking. Sharing with earthweal's open link.


  1. I really wish I can witness the salmon migration some day.. pictures that I have seen of the landscape, the water and the bears and fish are so beautiful... someday, I hope!!!!!!!

  2. your 2002 poem is tremendously lovely-- ageless. I totally enjoyed every line. You are a true giver (like in your last line). Thanks for giving us the gift of your words.
    Loved everything, but was especially drawn to this stanza:
    "Song of the laughing brook
    Below the rapids green, swirling and babbling
    Huge salmon leap,
    Fall back in shallows dabbling,
    Plunge forth to lunge again,
    Leaping and scrabbling."
    Wow!! Thank you. Be well, I wish you miracles. xo, Selma

  3. That really is a. beautiful poem, Sherry. Well worth reading again!

  4. I hear your song and it makes me want to dive right in, Sherry! A balm for the soul.

  5. Took your breath away then, takes ours today. Talk about wild song! You channel it so well.

  6. Beautiful, musical poem, Sherry, full of life and magic.The refrain of singing rings throughout. I have lived by a saying of de Balzac for years, "The love of Nature is the only love that does not decieve human hopes." I find that love and faith in a greater, cleaner world here.

  7. travel lightly...not a taker but a giver...good advice to live by


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