
Thursday, April 7, 2022



Shannon Boothman, R.I.P.

Sunday morning, early,* they found you,
no longer alive, alongside the road,
your faithful dogs sitting by your side.
It was storming; you were walking.
Hypothermia, they say.
Perhaps you fell. Perhaps the cold
seeped into your bones
and you drifted away. Perhaps
your dogs howled their grief.
I know they're grieving now.

Two things in life you loved:
dogs and Tofino, just like me.

Everything is a metaphor.*
Just this swiftly and unexpectedly
does the ferryman arrive
to spirit us away.
I take no day for granted,
for each is numbered.

Sunday morning, early,*
too soon you slipped away.
Every evening, now, I count my future
tomorrows, less one day.


For Shannon Boothman, age 52
May she rest in peace.
May there be dogs and beaches
where she has gone.

One of Shannon's dogs

*** Italicized lines are borrowed from the poem "Sunday Morning, Early" by David Romtvedt.


  1. Oh my goodness, what a horrible tragedy. So very, very young. A powerful reminder of how quickly things can happen.


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