
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Like Tired Stars


If you find yourself , tea growing cold in your mug,
staring at the tv in horror at the news North Korea
has performed a nuclear "test", in the middle of
Russia pounding Ukraine into ground covered
in tears and blood, and rubble.
Maybe you feel like climbing back into bed,
and returning to yesterday. You are not alone.
I am doing the exact same thing.

Perhaps the tulips look even more beautiful
- and transitory - this morning, like our lives,
like our loves, everyone saying goodbye
from the moment we say hello: a seventeen
year old's tears for his dead mother,
as he sits in a bunker, covered in braces
and bandages, victim of war
before he has even grown whiskers.

My old heart is tired from all it has seen
and endured: all of the feelings, the drama, 
the losses, the striving, the struggle to survive.
I can't abandon hope, though the news is so dire.
We turn our minds and hearts towards beauty
and peace, as madmen play with nuclear buttons
and the fate of the world.

If you find yourself unable to take it all in,
find yourself staying safe in your peaceful rooms
(while you still have them), find yourself tired
beyond all imagining, with a weariness so profound
your head feels wrapped in steel bands,
if everything is starting to feel like a long goodbye,
maybe I am somewhere [feeling] the exact same thing.
Maybe we're like two stars that are tired of the sky.

Wild Writing inspired by "If You Find Yourself" by Rudy Francisco. The italicized lines are his.

1 comment:

  1. So very poignant, Sherry. It does seem like there are so many good-byes to be said, so much sadness to deal with. I do think it is true that many of us across the globe are feeling these feelings at the same time!


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