
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Not Writing an Anthology


We're not writing anthologies here,
we're living our memoir.
It's Wednesday. The recycling
gets picked up today. 

Also on my To Do list:
keep track of my blood pressure,
which is too high. (No wonder:
have you watched the news lately?)
And write. Every morning.
This writing-thing I do is my medicine;
it helps me bear the truth (and bear witness
to the truth) of this slipping-down life.

Last night, lying awake, I contemplated
the anarchists in the "freedom convoy",
the rise of fascism across the globe,
Russia lining up its militia
on the Ukraine border,
cruelty - to animals and people -
so pervasive I wonder what kind of
species we have become,
and whether maybe the climate crisis
will help solve the problem of us
for all other living things.

Re-set the clock, I beg
The Unhearing Ear. Take us back
to when life seemed simpler, kinder,
(perhaps because I was too busy 
raising kids to watch the news.)

This poem is my medicine.
It helps me to bear the truth
of this slipping-down life.
Meanwhile, it's Wednesday,
and my blue box of recyclables
is sitting on the curb. 

Wild Writing inspired by "We're Not Writing Anthologies Here" by Maya Stein. Shared with earthweal's open link.


  1. I feel the same as you do, Sherry. Poetry is good medicine, a way to deal with all of the things that are going on in our world today. I like the way you mentioned the "big" things side by side with the recyclables on the curb. Somehow we have to keep the balance!

  2. I don't think anyone needs to fear the "freedom convoy"--the cloud of emissions off all those motors, maybe. Russia attacking Ukraine, yes.

  3. Reading this again this morning. It rings so very true. I yearn to for us to be taken back to a simpler time..... oh, if only.

  4. Turn back the news like the clock, dream more and write wildly. (And take out the recycling.) These democratic stress-tests I think means enough people standing up against bent thinking and empowered histronics. All this is just prologue.

  5. "This writing-thing I do is my medicine;
    it helps me bear the truth (and bear witness
    to the truth)" Enough medicine and bearing witness can't hurt and will help. I hope Brendan is right that we are in the time of prologue to a revival of the spirit of humanity, where nature not man are our gods.

  6. I'm having trouble posting a comment. I'll try again.
    I agree. The world is insane right now. I think finding time and space to write poetry and maybe even compile anthologies is crucial right now for maintaining mental health and wellbeing. I agree with Jade's comment and Brendan's idea that we are in a prologue to better times. Suzanne Mapping Uncertainty

  7. I need a lot of healing so if poetry is the elixir let us drink in words of magic.

    write on, my friend...


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