
Friday, February 18, 2022



Wild Woman's heart lives
halfway between a cackle and a howl,
waiting for the moon to rise,
for the owl in the wildwood
to murmur a chook-chook-chook to the chicks
nestled beneath her feathery wing,
listening for the wolves to sing
as the darkling sky winks its million stars
across the mountains and back again.

The waves are singing their siren song,
somewhere too far, out where
the wilds things are.
My heart, remembering,
is waiting, too, like the moon awaits
its moment to rise,
like the owlet perches on the edge of its nest,
summoning the courage to fly,
like the shore anticipates the lip of the wave
advancing, retreating, and returning once more.

Wild Woman's heart lives
somewhere between a cackle and a howl,
displaced, too far
from where the wild things are.

I wrote this in 2015, when I was missing the wild shores of Clayoquot Sound. And now I am here. Yay! When you don't give up, even the most impossible dreams can sometimes come true. Mine came true, not once, but twice. It was my dream to live here in 1989. I made a mighty leap, based solely on trust, and lived here for ten ecstatic years. Illness forced me to sell my trailer and move away. I was homesick for seventeen years. Longing to return, I focused my belief that the universe might grant me this final gift: to live where my soul belongs. And, after a time, it did. I remain forever grateful.

shared with earthweal's open link


  1. I am so glad you are living in the place your heart belongs, Sherry. That wilderness within is never far away!

  2. There's a truth that we carry in our heart the things we love the most--even our grief of losing them--but it is also truth that living what you love is a profound happiness. For us readers, your yearning for it is what sustains us most. How rich and wild this bath.

  3. You deserve your incredible luck of returning there.I am very happy for you

  4. Carry your dreams for they bring hope and sometimes manifest in marvelous ways.

    Yes, the vision was clear you needed to be at the place of your heart.

  5. Returning to a place like that must be perfect... there are places I remember like that... but I am also slowly rooting to where I live right now.

  6. I love this one, Sherry. With a heart between a cackle and a howl, one cannot lose!!


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