
Monday, January 3, 2022

Loving This Queer Earth


(I adore this little girl!)

Looking at a queer earth,
an acting out earth,
an undependable, reactive earth,
requires a balance of grief and hope,
of love for what is, sorrow for
all that is being lost (including
that sense of well-being we once knew),
and the understanding we must cherish
what we have because, in an instant,
life can change, and everything we know
be stripped away.

I want the creatures to not be dying.
I want the humans to be better than we are.
I want healing hands to soothe
this distraught planet. I want
good to triumph and evil to be
banished. I want poetic,
environmental and social justice.

Yesterday at three o'clock, a sudden
roar of thunder, as if the heavens opened,
so loud my window shook. In the city,
a tree fell into a couple's living room
and killed them on the spot.

The lesson of our times:
cherish what we have because,
in an instant, life can change,
and everything we know
be stripped away.

for Brendan at earthweal: A Keen Ear for a Queer Earth


  1. I feel this very keenly, Sherry: the warning signs are everywhere, and yet there is still so much to cherish!

  2. Yes, that stripping of away in an instant is something I know too. Like you I long for the earth healing and the healing of people. For some reason, we've come here at the end of something but we've also come to be a voice for the birthing of the new. I hope you're doing ok. Love - Suzanne

  3. Yikes. You speak my condition. Such a difficult prompt: How we learn to see the same elephant from many different angles.

  4. It's a very difficult adulthood we must enter in this century, to bear the love we have for the world in full knowledge it so readily can be stripped away. Fierce is that heart here, wild and true.

  5. I wish for the same things. Probably most people who don't have a stake in the profits of destruction feel the same way. As the leader of the French Communist Party said a week or two ago when asked why he wouldn't join forces with the Green Party behind their notion of Green Capitalism, it isn't the colour that's the problem, it's the capitalism.

  6. Capitalism is the problem. I so agree.

  7. I wish for the same things and i wish the healing would come. The earth is hurting and so are all it's creatures.

    So sad, about the couple and the tree. This is a warning that we must be vigilant and enjoy what we can of each day. sigh...

  8. Oh my goodness. I am heartbroken by a couple who died when a tree fell on their home and killed them as they sat in their living room.


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