
Tuesday, January 25, 2022



Photograph by Jill Battaglia

The fragrance of lilacs takes me back
to your gloomy house, your gloomy heart,
where, together, we fashioned a chimera:
you, the fire-breathing dragon,
me, the she-goat, blindly loving
one who had no wish to be loved.

Your blackbird heart has haunted me,
down all the years. The blackbird song
we sang 
brings me to tears.

Your mask of suffering
bade me to move on.
You called my name, then,
but too late.
I was gone.

for Shay's word list. I used fragrance, lilacs, chimera, gloomy, haunted, song, suffer(ing) and mask.


  1. Sometimes when we are hurting, we cannot be in a relationship completely. I can relate to this beautiful poem my friend. Gorgeous writing Sherry!

  2. And well out of it, I expect. But you got this very lovely poem out of it.

  3. Oddly, this was the only man I ever loved. But I was a free spirit and, as he told me, his spirit was not free. And he was not ready to liberate it.

  4. blindly loving
    one who had no wish to be loved... what a beautiful poem about a tragic situation.. this resonates deeply, Sherry.

  5. How the blackbird songs of our old loves come back to haunt. I always hope that what was missed and lost can be at least partially recovered in poems like this, if only the warmth we wished was there. Of course, as you note here, we must create it ourselves when the other has none to give. Beautiful, Sherry.

  6. This is a good poem, a powerful and honest one. I understand how sometimes those blackened hearts can haunt a person a long time.

  7. Excellent - this one has a real flow to it.

  8. "Together, we fashioned a chimera" is such a potent line. Those kind of relationships are a dangerous beast that leaves little room for peace.

  9. ahh, the man with a blackbird heart. *sigh*

  10. a very haunting poem sherry, i liked these lines best

    "Your blackbird heart has haunted me,
    down all the years. The blackbird song
    we sang
    brings me to tears."

    and i like the ending too, i like how it widdles down to a slow closing. well done

  11. A whole story in just a few well-chosen words. Love this

  12. "where, together, we fashioned a chimera:
    you, the fire-breathing dragon,
    me, the she-goat," -- ooh, that's great!

  13. Some things and more so some people in memory haunt all the rest of our lives. I enjoyed reading here, Sherry. Have a nice day.

  14. "Your mask of suffering"...I pondered long on the line. There's so much hurt in this life.


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