
Saturday, November 13, 2021

What Keeps Me Awake at Night


What doesn't keep me awake at night,
is the real question. The climate crisis
is worsening; creatures are going extinct
at an unheard of pace; emissions are not
being reduced, even though the scientists 
warn time is running out.

I stare into the darkness of two a.m.
thinking of the old growth falling,
temperatures rising, floods, tornadoes,
hurricanes, wildfires all increasing;
"heat domes" and "cyclone bombs"
occurring randomly and often. 

And no one connecting the dots;
nothing changing.

Government-speak addresses
climate change: words, words, words
at conference after conference,
where no targets are being met.
Not enough action follows.
Canada funnels 12 billion a year into
fossil fuels and FOUR billion into
climate change.
Corporations still hold
all the power, and they are
killing us.

Half my neighbourhood forest
is coming down, ripped from the earth
by a giant claw: as if the wisdom teeth
of the planet are being pulled.
It will be an even hotter
summer in 2022.
And even before they finish
clearcutting this half, they are
talking about cutting the rest.

At night, as I worry, thin hungry bears
and cougars and wolves stalk the village,
in search of food. Their habitat is now
too small to support them.
They travel farther to find a place
where man is not.

The other night, a hungry bear pounded
the lid of the garbage can in frustration.

What will this world be like
for my great-grandchildren
and their children?
Will they walk hot dusty streets
like hungry bears?
Will water cost a hundred dollars
a gallon? Will wars be fought
over water as they were once fought
over oil?

I stare into the dark.
It gives me no answers.

for earthweal. Inspired by "Things That Keep Me Awake at Night" by Laurie Wagner of Wild Writing.


  1. "What doesn't keep me awake at night,
    is the real question."
    I feel that!
    When I was still living in Lafayette (Colorado) there was a lot of construction due east of us. One day as I was driving I saw a buzzard land in a prairie dog village along the way. Buzzards didn't normally venture into civilized areas. Their habitats to the east were being destroyed.

  2. This is very bleak, but so may be our future. A great poem Sherry!

  3. The water wars - extreme drought in some places and deluges in others... scary thoughts.. made worse by the overall lack of urgency in resolving anything.

  4. "as if the wisdom teeth
    of the planet are being pulled."
    A stop and read again image

    Happy Sunday Sherry. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  5. ooof, gut wrenchingly relatable. The last stanza really struck me. Thank you for your words.

  6. This is extremely sad. I worry too about future generations. How will they survive?

  7. There are so many horrific things happening that it is amazing one gets any sleep at all!


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