
Monday, November 22, 2021



I write because today it is dark
and rainy out
and I am staying in.

I write because I live much in silence
and tapping on the keys is how I talk
to people, even though not many
will read my words.

I write to leave a trail behind me
so, after I'm gone, those who know me
will have a way to find me, and learn
things about me that they never knew.

I write because my tabletop Christmas tree
is sweet with twinkling lights, and I want
to share it with you.

I write because I made a big pot
of potato leek soup yesterday, and 
it makes me happy.

I write because words arrived
with urgency when I was fourteen
and I knew I was meant to write
them all down.

I write to chart
the journey I have made
through this world
that is beautiful and troubled enough
to break your heart, and then heal it.
I write to say thank you
to the All That Is
for such a fine journey.

inspired by I Write Because by Anne Marsland of Wild Writing.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful trail you are leaving, Sherry, hopefully to be appreciated as a gift to those in your life that you love! And, ha, I bet that leek soup was absolutely delicious!


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