
Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Language of Clouds


Looking at the sky, we long to learn
the language of clouds, of mountaintops.
Mother Sky, teach me
how to sing like small bird, like raven,
like Owl.
Quiet my heart, so I may listen
to the breath of Grandfather Cedar,
and learn to speak tree,
to speak river,
to speak wind.

Transform my soul
to make me worthy of
learning to sing
in whalesong.
Lead me along the shore,
to count the waves,
my heart singing
joyously and forever
the song of Ocean.

An old poem you may have read before, shared with earthweal's open link


  1. What a beautiful prayer.So full of hope and reverence and beauty. Love it. ��

  2. Wonderful prayer/poem. I hope you find the quiet heart and mind you seek. Suzanne- Mapping Uncertainty

  3. I may have read it before, but your poems are always wonderful to read. This one is such a lovely prayer. So beautiful.

  4. I was out hiking yesterday and saw some marvellous cloud formations. Your have put into words what I, too, yearn for. A wonderful poem!

  5. A welcoming heart wrote this and tells us that earth intimacies are invited.

  6. I enjoyed the beautiful language of clouds. There are so many tongues we have yet to discover. If we would only sit quiet enough to learn. Beautiful poetry my friend.

  7. This is really beautiful, Sherry! Makes my heart leap.


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