
Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Earth: An Alternative Narrative

Picture an earthly garden
(the way it was when we were
not so many).
See the sun come up
behind the greenly hills,
hear in the forest deep
the songbirds' happy trills.

Our beyond-human relatives
go softly about their work of Being.
We look across our gardens
with sweet surmise.
Who knew humans
could live so well?
Who knew that we
could ever
be this wise?

The sky is clear;
the future lies so bright
and sweet ahead.
The world is clean again
and we have
- dare we dream it? -
for forever
banished dread.

Well, one can dream. It may too late to return the world to a pristine state. But it is not too late to SLOW the devastation, if leaders would lead and the populace would follow - and if every word a politician speaks were not so hollow. At this point, i think the people need to lead, with our billions of voices, to force leaders to do the job of governing.

for my prompt at earthweal: The World That Might Have Been. Man, I need to find some more uplifting themes!


  1. I agree with you Sherry: the people need to lead, because the politicians have done worse than nothing, they have made the situation worse!

  2. You can't fight for something you can't imagine! Great exercise Sherry and it helps to wipe the despair from the lens.

  3. How much longer before we hit that point of no return? Wonder what it will take for real action. Thanks for writing these poems, Sherry and keeping us focused on what is important!

  4. I am afraid the scale is tipping to quickly and time is ticking. Will we ever be that wise?


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