
Sunday, April 4, 2021


28 years ago, he sang his Magic
the night we shut the Peace Camp down.
It was the Summer of '93
and we had saved the forests
of Clayoquot Sound.
Hippies were dancing joyously
 in a clearcut,
under a full, round Grandmother Moon,
following the song with
a long and loving
and a group hug.

Next day, driving out past Kennedy Lake,
I was singing Magic along with the cd:
"I thought I felt some love
from the mountains all around
As I gazed at the clearcut slopes
across the lake,
my heart broke; how I cried.
So many trees to save.

"I was thinking of a time
when all the creatures
shared the earth
" he sang;
how far we have come
from that time;
how many creatures have died.

28 years, and now tree defenders
are standing on the road
trying to save Fairy Creek,
one of the last old growth forests
on the Island.

2.7% of old growth left,
as the global temperature rises.
How insane to be cutting down
the very things that are here
to cool the planet.

I'm looking for some Magic
because Reason has
left the building. The corporate
bottom line cares nothing
for myth or magic,
nothing for sacred green spaces,
nothing about the world
our grandchildren and their children
have to live in.

I'm thinking of that magic time
"when all the creatures shared the earth."
I'm thinking of how many creatures
are now dying, how the trees
are falling, how each summer
keeps getting hotter.

Day 4


  1. Yes! Not much else to say but that one word. I still believe in magic and always will.


  2. This is really a powerful poem, Sherry! Reason has indeed left the building.


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