
Monday, April 26, 2021




Braid the cattles' horns with daisies
now the winter's finally passed.
The pretty maidens all come lilting
one by one across the grass,
flowers in their hair, and singing,
dresses glimmering soft and sweet,
and they dance around the maypole,
tripping softly on light feet.

The Beltane fire is burning,
casting embers on the lawn.
Make your wish, set your intention
before the spring has come and gone.

Gather 'round the fire, my sisters.
Lift your pretty skirts up high.
One great leap, your curls a-flying,
as the lads all pine and sigh.

You're a mix of strong emotions,
half-demure, yet mostly wild.
Ride your wild-horse heart with caution,
half-woman, still mostly child.

Dance around the pretty maypole.
One by one, you claim your power.
From girl to woman you are changing,
like the springtime claims its hour.

for Sarah Connor at earthweal, as we contemplate Beltane.


  1. What a wealth of vivid and active imagery. Love it, Sherry.


  2. That is one girly May Queen -- I love the play-seriousness of this, demure and divine. Claim your power!

  3. Cows look so sweet with their flower crowns, and what a lovely way to start a poem! This is a lyrical poem, Sherry, a Beltane song, and how could a girl on the way to becoming a woman resist the invitation to:
    ‘Gather 'round the fire, my sisters.
    Lift your pretty skirts up high’
    particularly when:
    ‘You're a mix of strong emotions,
    half-demure, yet mostly wild.’
    Your poem reminded me of scenes from Tess of the D’Urbervilles.

  4. This was written as a song! Lovely combination of thought and words.

  5. Like an ancient song of renewal. Lovely!

  6. Just delightful, Sherry: I love the lyrical flow of your words, just like a maypole dance!

  7. I enjoyed the spirited lilt in your words. I can image a lute softly playing in the background.


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