
Monday, April 5, 2021

And Yet, Here We Are


Had 2016 to 2021 been written
years ago as science fiction,
no publisher would have published it
because it would have been deemed
"too unbelievable."

And yet, here we are.

What we are left with is irony, 
satire, boggled minds.
And grief.
Laced with some stubborn hope,
because we are human creatures
who cannot live
without it.

Day 5


  1. What we seem most of often to forget is that we still have the ability to choose. Best to look inside, rather than around us. Thank you, my friend.


  2. Who would've have believed the year 2020 would turn out the way it did. It's mind boggling.

  3. I join you there in that stubborn place of hope. I'm also an ardent admirer of SciFi.

  4. stubborn, and oddly selective with our memories ~

  5. I think of 2009-2021 that way. I actually tried writing a detective story based on the fundamental truth we've learned from Glyphosate Awareness: one killer can have a dozen different methods. (Only one is clever enough, and only one detective has the intelligence *and insight* to spot that killer's pattern...) People don't like it; they can't "solve the mystery" in the familiar way.

  6. I guess hope is what keeps us going. I try not to think too much of what these years have brought and if we can turn some things around. But, if I think too much... hope fades.


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