
Sunday, January 3, 2021

From My Father

Pup, leaping for a treat!

From my father,
I got my sense of humour,
and my glow.
(At the coffeehouse,
they would say
"have you seen Sherry glow?")

From my mother,
I received strength,
my lion heart,
and to do all I could for my kids,
as she did for my sister
and me.

From my grandmother,
I learned peacefulness,
the template and deepest need
of my being.

From my children, I learned
to Become a Tree,
strong of trunk, to support them,
supple of bough, so as not
to tether them
when they needed to fly away.

From friends, I learned
that, since they believed in me,
there must be something there
to believe in.
They loved me until
I slowly learned
how to love myself.

From dogs, especially my black wolf,
I learned what unconditional love
and devotion felt like. That is why
it hurt so much to lose them.

From the sky, I learned
the art of
Always Looking Up.
From the wind, I learned to listen
for Mother Earth's song.

From the ocean, I learned
where I at last belonged.
From life, I learned the lesson
of loss and letting go.

From old age I learn
to tether myself lightly,
that time is fleeting,
tomorrow is not promised,
and to take joy in sunshine
and happy dogs on a beach,
and how where I am, right now, 
is Enough.



  1. I love this, Sherry! A wonderful tracing of your family's gifts to you. I hope the new year finds you well and enjoying your beloved Tofino. Love, Kathleen

  2. Wonderful poem full of self insight, Sherry. That is one good thing about these reflective times.... you have learned much, Sherry. You have also taught others much. And you are still learning and teaching. Live on, my good friend.


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