
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A Forest Trail to Run Away On


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When the news is bad,
and the world seems to have gone mad,
I wish there was a forest trail
I could run away on,
leading to a small wooden cabin
in a peaceful glen,
where there would be no more
news reports, no more hateful rhetoric,
only the song of the wind
rustling through the trees.

In that place, morning would wake me
with birdsong, and a smiling sun
rising behind the mountains.

Deer would amble softly past my window;
small rabbits would dart about,
stopping to nibble grass,
scratching their ears with their furry back feet.

In that place, my soul would open
like a trusting flower,
expanding to meet the vastness of the sky,
a blue bowl overhead bringing nothing
but day after peaceful day
to we creatures of the forest.

In that place, my heart would
begin to heal from the helplessness
of watching human beings stray
so far from the way our ancestors lived
on the living land. I hear their mournful voices
in the wind; raindrops their tears of sorrow
falling to earth.

Meanwhile, the Mad King rules
with complete disassociation from our reality,
sipping from his golden goblet of denial,
living in his own mad world,
while we live in the one his words
have divided and imperiled.

Meanwhile, the sky overhead watches serenely;
the Bigger World continues on its path.
We make our way from one day to another
with a shortage of hope, yet the memory
of a shining dream we once held dear.

Our passports to Tomorrow
our green hearts,
our love for the Mother,
our refusal to watch her die.

for earthweal, where we contemplate having a green heart in a mad world, a state of being I live every hour of every day.


  1. Thanks Sherry -- It may be small consolation, but any green is good at this time, and you helped me see and feel it.

  2. We have to find that place of healing in this mad, mad world.

  3. Oh this is so beautiful and powerful. I was lucky enough to find such a place yesterday in a bike ride by a peaceful river: it felt like a spiritual retreat. 'while we live in the one his words
    have divided and imperiled.'
    Who can blame us for wanting to escape into the purity of Mother Earth?

  4. A magical escape is sometimes the only way to survive the outside world..I hope you journey far

  5. As of today, we have lockdown in the UK again, so I will be staying within our little realm of house and garden, thankful we have enough trees to pretend I am walking in a forest. The news seems to be constantly bad, and the world has indeed gone mad. It’s so frightening, I’m glad we have a safe haven here.

  6. Oh, Sherry - I had in my mind that that was where you lived anyway! I always imagine you in a forest clearing, in a little wooden cabin, with a deer or two around you and birds singing. Don't say I've got it wrong for all this time - it's obviously where you should be!


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