
Monday, September 7, 2020

My Lion


In the Serengeti of my heart,
in a high and craggy tree,
my lion sits, in splendrous pride,
waiting just for me.

His gaze is far.
He has lived there in my dreams
his whole life long.
But a  dream-lion  is patient;
he loves the beauty of my song.

"Lion, lion, lion,"
I sing, as the twilight
fades away,
and my lion smiles,
for now he waits
forever, less one day.

for Carrie, at the Muse


  1. My heart is melting ... Lion, Lion, Lion.

  2. "In the Serengeti of my heart" - love that.

  3. This is a very moving poem, Sherry. The prompt really does fit you.

  4. I have no doubt there is a Serengeti in your heart, Sherry. This is Beautiful.

  5. "waiting just for me … … my lion smiles"
    Too bad he cannot come with you. ;-)

  6. I know you must have the Serengeti in your heart. Love this, Sherry!

  7. Lovely and perfect for the photo. Like that waits forever less one day. Life at times does seem like that. Thanks for visiting me so I could come visit you. Have great week.


Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate it and will return your visit soon.