
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Blackbird Heart

For thirty years,
you've been in my rearview mirror:
with your dark blackbird heart,
smiling at me across the greenhouse,
with a small bird
alighting on your hand.

The doves woke us up every morning.
It was summer,
lake-scent and whisperings
engraved forever
on my heart.

You aren't on the planet any more.
But you're still there
in my rearview mirror
every time I think of love,
and summer, weeping willow,
the doves cooing at daybreak
just before our love
was gone.

for The Sunday Muse


  1. Oh Sherry, this is so lovely! A memory shared so beautifully that I can hear the doves cooing. I love the idea of the rear view mirror being one's view looking back on the past. So glad you joined us my friend!

  2. This is a beautiful & it catches in the back of the throat. That image of a heart following after...just amazing.

  3. This is so evocative, Sherry. A beautiful memory.

  4. Summer and weeping willows and the beauty of your memory ... ah, ah, ah .........

  5. A very nice tribute to Pup, or was it Jasmine? We will always miss the dogs, I miss Adi so very much. That you for reading about her ride story. She loved to ride and knew her surroundings but of course we couldn't exchange the conversation like my write.

    1. This was the one actual human relationship to whom I gave my heart, Jim. Smiles. I truly loved him, but we had five teenagers between us, none of whom supported our relationship. The drama killed what we had between us, which was real.

  6. This is so lovely.. I love blackbird heart. What a beautiful view from you rear view mirror. Thank you!

  7. "with your dark blackbird heart" -- great.

  8. Wow! "dark blackbird heart" - Love this, Sherry!

  9. I don't like endings, especially sad ones. I like how you write of this though, and I wish things had been different .


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