
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Love Song to Clayoquot Sound

Oh, wild, untamed and glorious
coastal beaches of Clayoquot Sound,
you sang a siren song to me
for years before I journeyed here,
long before I ever saw
the perfection of your beauty.
Your ley lines drew me to you
as surely as a murrulet
is drawn to its nest,
a migrant whale to its feeding ground.

I arrived in love, my heart
rising to meet you like
a long-lost lover.
In wandering your forest trails
and along your sandy shores,
I live in loving, still.

In gratitude, my eyes caress
their way along the curves and slopes 
of Wah'nah'juss; breathe in your misty,
fog-shrouded mornings; bless
soaring eagle, heron picky-toe-ing
along the mudflats, smile as small boats
chug across the harbour
on West Coast afternoons.

I stand in earth's cathedral: thousand year old 
Grandfather Cedar, Hanging Garden Tree,
so many ancient beings,
each one home to
a diversity of life,
each one a universe all its own.

I stood on the road to save you
in 1993;
I will stand there
if they come for you
Those hours on the road
burned in my heart like fire;
passion, fierce,  like a mother bear's roar
protecting all she loves.

I have grown old,
loving you,
and the loving has been sweet.
And sweet the mist
of seaspray on my face,
smell of seaweed and salal;
the delight of sand dollars in the sand,
the wonder of tidepools
full of starfish and anemone.
How my heart exults
as the waves, like white-maned horses,
gallop in to shore.

Love for your wild beauty never
stops singing inside me. I carry it
within, like a gleaming treasure, 
a song of love, reminding me
to breathe in the fullness
of this moment, now, 
for none of this is ours to keep.
We are all, always,
only passing through.

As the world turns burnished gold,
fading soft to starlight,
and its coloured remnants streak
across the evening sky,
I look to your mountaintops,
purpling at the edge of the sea.
I am bound here by your beauty;
held fast by the song of the sea,
uttering a constant prayer
of gratitude
for all you've gifted me.

for my prompt at earthweal: to write a love song to Mother Earth. As I am fortunate to live in some of the most spectacular landscape on the planet, (and trust me, I know how lucky I am!) , I have written many love songs to this place. But managed to steal some earlier lines and add to them to create this new poem. Smiles.


  1. An epic love song to Mother Earth, Sherry. Canada is still wild and untamed, and vast, and living on this small and long-tamed island, I can’t begin to imagine where you live, but your poetry takes me there. I especially love the thought of being drawn by the ley lines of a place like ‘a migrant whale to its feeding ground’, and the image of ‘earth's cathedral’.

  2. Ah, this poem is a wonderful love song! What a joy to live in a place you care about so much!

  3. This is so beautiful, Sherry. I particularly liked your sense of coming home, finding your way by instinct and ancient wisdom a true love song.

  4. A lovely, fulgent song of love and praise for our mother earth that holds great beauty and power, Sherry. I especially like "...I live in loving, still..." Hard, yet not hard, to do...and that sixth stanza, "I have grown old loving you..." poignant and full of distilled experience, time and love. Beautiful poem, and a true love song.

  5. "I have grown old,
    loving you,
    and the loving has been sweet."
    And you promise here to continue standing for her, each verse revealing that you SEE her, that this is specific and immediate and physical. I love you, love what you stand for, and love your marvelous way with words that lets me too see it!

  6. I am fortunate to have had this love affair for half my life. I didnt get to spend all of that time here, had to leave it for seventeen years - but what a blessing - what a MIRACLE - to be back here again. Grateful every day.

  7. This is a beautiful song of love, may you always hold that treasure close to
    your heart.

    Love for your wild beauty never
    stops singing inside me. I carry it
    within, like a gleaming treasure,

  8. You paint a vivid picture. May it remain for generations to come.

  9. Gorgeous paean to home, rich in the particulars which make every love a thing to sing in the fullest. This should be sung in all the local schools. Great challenge and response, Sherry - Brendan


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