
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Little Girls

Weren't we beautiful back then,
with our long shining curls
and our pretty dresses?
We wore crisp white gloves
and wide-brimmed hats to church,
and checked out the other girls' dresses
to see whose was the finest.

I had a white dress with green polka dots,
and my sailor hat had ribbons down the back.
I looked out from under its brim
with eyes innocent of all
that would come to be; how much life
could hurt once I was
in the flow of it; a river, unstoppable,
me flailing in its rapids,
till I was finally
set free.

little girls with shining tresses,
draped in pretty dresses new,
flowers in grandma's garden
no more beautiful than you.

for The Sunday Muse


  1. Love this! You are so right, church was a fashion show of sorts from the adult ladies down to we girls! My mother made all of my dresses ~~ mine were best.

  2. Yes, we WERE beautiful back then. So fresh, so innocent, our whole lives ahead of us. No thoughts of all the hurts which would be ahead of us...those were wonderful years indeed!

  3. Sherry, do you wish you could have stayed little all your life? But there are good and bad, depending on things we didn't even know. And now I'm afraid I will die before I ever get to assisted living.
    So far my readers are 0 to 5 in favor of the girls.

  4. Such a lovely glimpse of yesterday!

  5. This is poignant and lovely my friend. I can relate deeply to the journey it holds.

  6. So sweet. I yearn for the innocence of pretty dresses and lace.

  7. This is wonderful. It brings up memories of dresses and gardens long past. :)

  8. So nice to reminisce about those carefree days. I like the picture and the poem is light and fun, like medicine for these days.


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