
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mother Earth

Mother Earth
has billions of children,
furred, feathered
and two-legged.

She gives us
"enough for our need,"
the shaman said,
"but not our greed."

The animals and
the indigenous people
of the land
live in harmony
with the earth
and its natural cycles.
They know we are 
all connected,
that everything
is one.

They are waiting for
the rest of us
to join them there.


  1. And they and the planet itself are still waiting. Such a sad reality and how to begin healing it is the most important question of all.


  2. Sherry, such a lovely piece. Let's hope we do join them. As much As I hate to say it, this pandemic in many ways, is a blessing. It's forcing people to slow down, and giving our earth a chance to breath again.

  3. Enough for our need, but not our greed: The Wise Woman's voice here is deep and true. May we pare accordingly ... Thanks, Brendan

  4. These lines are so true, Sherry:
    ‘She gives us
    "enough for our need,"
    the shaman said,
    "but not our greed."’
    We need to get back the harmony in which the indigenous people live with the earth.

  5. Agreed. It is learning what enough is that might get us out of this mess. Lovely piece.

  6. Sherry, I hope the wait wont' be long.


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