
Friday, May 29, 2020

"I Can't Breathe"

It doesn’t take too many words
to describe this pit of hopelessness
I feel; Minneapolis is burning;
trump tweets about shooting the “thugs”;
calls the men with assault rifles
on Michigan state capital steps
“fine people”.

This is an intolerable world
in which to live, for those who
believe in justice, in diversity,
in equality.

In memory of George Floyd, killed when a police officer knelt on his neck, as he pleaded “I can’t breathe.” I can’t breathe either. Too many African American deaths by police, with no consequences. This four should be in jail right now. If the situation was reversed, for certain someone would be in jail - if they lived through the encounter. 

Time to unseat the ghouls in the white house who have unleashed so much division, empowering the darkest among us. It is hard to bear. 

For Hedgewitch’s Flash 55


  1. Stark and true, Sherry. I believe as of this morning, the officer responsible has finally been 'taken into custody." whatever that means. Too little too late, imo. Thanks for bringing your 55 to the protest, Sherry. Things have GOT to change.

  2. Spot on Sherry. What is happening to our country? I thought we were better than this... the most recent murder, and the past three-and-a-half years of bile and hate. :(

  3. I am so sad about the news. It's sad the state our country is in.

  4. Intolerable is exactly what it is.

  5. Your poem speaks what needs to be declared Sherry. Powerful writing. It is a scary world we live in, and the loss affects us all. Wishing you some peace and joy this weekend. I do hope you get a chance to get to the beautiful beach again.

  6. Tolerance is unacceptable now. That is why we're seeing the rage. I am devastated at what I see, especially as the powerful "leader" takes advantage to cause even more division. More often now, I am convinced we are living in a country headed towards fascism.

    What you write is a true observation of a United States on fire.

  7. I, too, am very affected by the monstrous killing of George Floyd. Sadly, we live in a time where hatred is fueled, cruelty is emboldened, and the justice system is deliberately - and shamelessly - being broken. It is such an appalling state of affairs that good people are risking their lives taking to the streets during a pandemic. I cannot think of any time, over the course of my life, where despair was so omnipresent - everywhere. Nothing even comes remotely close to this level of hopelessness.

  8. intolerable world, yes, but the only world we have.


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