
Saturday, May 9, 2020

Here's How We Know We're Not Alone

Here’s how we know we are not alone:

because we are surrounded by small universes:
the squirrel on the cedar branch out my window,
and how he tilts his head when I greet him;

because of the bluejays and juncos pecking
at seed on my balcony, and the one with
the strange yodel who alerts me
when they need some more;

because, on the beach yesterday, at low tide,
there was so much life: crabs scuttling ponderously,
starfish and anemone clinging to rock walls
or bathing in tide pools; mussels clicking
in their mysterious language
along the rocks;

because the early morning moon was
huge and round and buttery,
going down behind the hills in Lemmens Inlet;

because of the village dogs who love me
because I carry treats in my pocket, and how they
drag their owners over to me, their tails wagging
with joy, their happy eyes alight,
and how they make my day;

because the air smells like summer mornings
when I was a child;

because there are small universes everywhere,
when we step out our door;

because tree branches sigh soft songs to us
along the forest trails;

because my poem reaches out to you,
and your poem replies.

Day Sixteen of Wild Writing with Laurie Wagner. Sharing it at earthweal's open link.


  1. Nature never disappoints, is always present for us, keeping us company when we need it. It sounds as if you are surrounded by a lot of wonderful birds! Day 16...I will miss these when they are finished.

  2. Because I am at home much more, I feel more aware of what is going on in Nature. I love how you end the poem and feel that through the Wild Writing community we do reply to each other.

  3. because there is so much life if we open our hearts.
    enjoyed your inspirational poem, Sherry. :)


Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate it and will return your visit soon.