
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Flying Free

The Sea Inside

When I was  inside my glass cage
and all the fish were flying free,
there was a sea inside, I knew,
there was a sea inside of me.

I spent too much time in those days
trying to contort my too-large being
into something that might work,
but there is no unseeing Seeing.

Smash it all; build something new.
Out I leaped, found something true,
left the bowl for all the fishes,
left the sink all full of dishes.

My excuse is that it is Day 25; that Canada just lived through a mass shooting, which is so not like Canada that it rocked us all (the only other one was in 1989); and that it all feels a bit much. And the last line, while not deathless poetry, at least made me smile. (I actually never would have left the dishes; I am a bit OCD. Just a tad. LOL.)


  1. How true and beautifully spoken the "unseeing Seeing" and leaving the dishes at the closing is perfect! Your experiences and hardships have shaped your poetry in a gorgeous way Sherry! You always inspire me!

  2. No excuse required, this is a delightful poem about sea-change and I love it!

  3. I love "and all the fish were flying free,"

  4. I would smile all the time I wrote this, Sherry. That was a terrible thing to do, the guy was 44. We don't get the end stuff, like the reasons. I am sad for the N.S. people, and all you also. Every morning here, Houston, Texas, the traffic, weather, and killings take over the first 15 minutes. Bad, Bad.

  5. So true there is no unseeing seeing. I love that you joined "the fish all flying free" and you have found your belonging place. Beautiful and telling write, Sherry!

  6. left the bowl for all the fishes,
    left the sink all full of dishes.

    A very good close Sherry, when one still retains the smile after reading as in this case. It requires deep thinking to get a good punch-line so they say!


  7. The last lines made me laugh (even if I am the one who always leaves the dishes for later) and the whole had the feeling of the kind of nonsense that is absolute sense.

  8. haha about leaving the sink full of dishes. Maybe, I should have left a few more dishes and gone out on whim.

  9. I loved this one, Sherry. And the ending especially was right on. In this time, who will ever notice the sink full of dishes anyway. Smiles!

  10. Yeah! Here's too living outside the fish bowl!

  11. Love this. And I too chuckled at your last lines.
    So sorry for the grief you and Canadians are enduring. These are tough enough times.

  12. OK, Sherry, you got me laughing! But I know this is all about lock down and the corona-v, and thinking how it will end.

  13. Appreciate the funny ending on this, Sherry!


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