
Friday, March 13, 2020

To Speak With Clouds

Mother Sky,
teach me to speak
the language of clouds.
My feet on earth,
my eyes on the sky,
my heart swooping and soaring
with Raven, 
I am adrift in the beauty
of your forever blue.

I have walked through this life
head tipped back and 
smiling at the sky,
enraptured by your puffy 
storybook clouds,
your ever-changing colours,
your huge canvas,
which inspires all our dreaming.

Teach me to speak
as gently as clouds,
so my footprint on earth
will grow ever lighter,
like Wolf, like Deer,
like Heron.

After I learn 
the soft-speak of Cloud,
may I next learn
how to speak Tree.

One from 2015, for Brendan at earthweal


  1. clouds and trees have much to teach us, yes?

  2. To speak the language of clouds.. what a sublime idea, Sherry!

  3. Oh, the profound beauty of nature when we pause, look, listen and learn. A beautiful poem, Sherry.

    p.s. I caught a glimpse of you at Rajani's, so I thought I'll pop by and say hello. Hope you're staying healthy in these times of Corona!

  4. How to make our footprints lighter, how to commune with the universe... you keep showing the way, Sherry!

  5. I think you remind us here of our rightful mission, one we have forgotten, of listening, observing and learning *how* to speak, both to ourselves, and to the spirits of the earth our own culture chooses to ignore. We have much to learn. Lovely poem, Sherry.

  6. I just read somewhere that trees have their own song and, if we listen, we will hear them!

  7. Love the "soft-speak" -- perfect way to describe the language of clouds. A wonderful prayer of an Earth-song, Sherry. - Brendan

  8. Lovely … so delicately written, the reverence for nature is palpable … and what a wonderful close.


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