
Monday, March 16, 2020


The Pupster

I don't know why I was surprised every time love started or ended. Men bumbled into me. They chose me; I didn't realize that, by not choosing, I was still making a choice. Once, only, I chose. It was true love. Our five teenagers fought us every step of the way. We didn't have enough hope or trust to weather the storm. Looking back, the truest love of all came from a big, black, noisy, hilarious wolf. He led me a merry chase, made me laugh every day, awakened the wild in me, shared my grief when we had to leave. In fourteen years, his eyes never left me. He entered the vet's office with resistance; he fought that final needle with everything he had. He didn't want to leave me. I have missed him every day of the nine years since.

144 words for Prosery at dVerse:  flash fiction of no more than 144 words including the line "I don't know why I was surprised every time love started or ended", from Jane Hirschfield's poem 
"I Wanted To Be Surprised." I didn't. I just wanted someone to be committed enough to stay!


  1. Happy you dropped by to read mine Sherry. Always luv reading about your wolf pal
    Stay healty and safe


  2. Sherry, our furbabies know everything there is to know about us and accept us unconditionally. I lost my Chaun in 2016.

  3. It is that unconditional love we miss. Humans arent as good at it. Smiles.

  4. Thank you for reminding me of the unconditional love of a noisy, hilarious wolf, Sherry. Our wolf was a small terrier, but he too led me a merry chase and made me laugh. Our boy has been gone twelve years last Saturday and we still miss him.

  5. Pets bring their own special love. I'm sorry you lost your wolf, but I'm glad you got to experience that unconditional love.

  6. I have a sense that Pup has never left you and perhaps has guided you to make the decision to move to a place you love and find peace (as much as possible in these times).

  7. Glad you had a wild and wonderful companion, Sherry. Sorry for your loss.

  8. A dog can be the most important love in the world... we humans always make things too complicated.

  9. Your wolf pup was the love of your life. He was the magic in your day. I am sure you will meet again.

  10. Yes, I so often think that - he was the love of my life. And such a wonderful one.

  11. There is nothing like the love of our fur babies. So good!

  12. They live up to be known as a best friend perhaps they are good at barking and not at talking back! Great to have them around for company!


  13. on my daily walks, the most difficult thing has been to walk on by when people are out walking their dogs ~

  14. Love to hear about that wolf pup. It is such a deep hurt when you lose them.


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