
Monday, February 17, 2020

Finding Hope In Difficult Times

I find hope in the goodness
of the human heart,
which rises against injustice,
which extends a hand to help
when folks are hurting,
which wants a better world
for all beings,
who sees not You and Me
but Us.

I find hope in the human spirit,
which rises from the depths
to resist oppression,
which encourages, strives, transforms
when challenges are difficult,
which never gives up
until it lives in freedom.

I find my hope in Mother Nature,
whose every living creature, plant
and natural system
is programmed for growth.
Every living being wants to live,
grow and evolve, as much as we do.

I find hope in our energy
when we seek to align with
the energies of the universe,
and assist with the transformation
of human consciousness
which will birth social justice,
and re-learn living on the land
in harmony with natural systems,
other creatures and each other.

Well. This is a lot of hope, for my prompt at Earthweal: Finding Hope. There are those who believe this is not possible, that we have strayed too far and passed the tipping point. There are others who think the tipping point will teach humanity some hard lessons and on the other side of severe climate events, more and more of us will heed the call to live sustainably.

In Canada, this week, indigenous people and their allies are rising in protest across the country, shutting down ports, railways, government buildings, bridges and intersections. They are protesting not only the pipeline the government is trying to push through their land, but the entire colonial system that has kept them oppressed and impoverished ever since the settlers arrived and began their agenda of extraction and destruction. I find hope in the First Peoples of this land, who lived harmoniously here for thousands of years and understand the natural laws of living WITH rather than dominating the land and waters. A lesson we are far too late in learning.

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