
Monday, December 30, 2019

What We Save Saves Us

Save a tree -
she will help you breathe
until your last gasp.

Save the salmon
that feed the whales, the wolves, 
the bears, the eagles,
the forest.

Save the ozone,
which keeps us from 
frying to a crisp.

Save the habitat of
the wild creatures
who share this planetary home
with us.

Save the children,
they are the architects 
of the future.

Save the soul of North America
from the evils of capitalistic greed,
from racism, division and hatred.
Make it kind again.

Cast your vote for better times.
Use your voice, your platform, 
your energy, your life
to effect change.

With every life we save,
we save our own.

for PLAY IT AGAIN - the last prompt at Toads.  I chose one of my favourite prompts from Wordy Thursday with Wild Woman: what we save saves us. We dont have to look far for things to save these days.


  1. There has to be more than voting, signing petitions, calling our representatives, showing up for protests. I guess teaching our children well counts. We need to save so much in order to save ourselves and them.

  2. A good life is a circle of doing good. I love the way your poem sings to this truth. When we save the world and all its creatures, we save us indeed.

  3. May we do all those things and dance when the trees call us with their music.

  4. Could not be more apt, more clearsighted, more true.
    Well said, Sister.

  5. May it be so Sherry, that we be a change of good.

  6. In Heaven, you'll be the mayor, I think. What a good spirit you have, my friend.

  7. Sadly so many of our leaders are completely blind when it comes to preserving the planet for future generations as greed and profit rules. And they think the planet will repair itself but sadly it won't it will be angry and who knows who it will choose to stay on board!

  8. Never has truer word been spoken. By saving the environment, we are investing in our own futures. I shall miss your Wild Woman prompts, Sherry. You are so widely read and aware of the factors which connect a much bigger picture than the one most people are seeing. i am ever grateful for that.

  9. We do have to work with politicians and our selves to make the world a better place... I think the only solution is the one that we hold in our hands.

  10. A most significant and touching poem, Sherry!!❤️ I am so going to miss your Wild Woman prompts, Sherry.

  11. A wonderful Real Toads benediction, Sherry, and a vow to keep up the good work. See ya round soon.

  12. Thank goodness for kind souls, like you, who remind us of the truth of things. All we have is each other, but it is enough.

  13. So much to save, so little time, yet I do have hope that some of our species will always remain rational, will always want to do the right thing, and thus those things which are teetering on the brink will be saved--but at the price of so much already lost. A bittersweet poem, Sherry, but not one without hope, I think, just as our world is not. Thank you for being one of the lights in this world, and never part of the darkness.

  14. Nice repetition! I really like the first stanza, and your concluding line.

  15. Bless the beasts and the children ... and bless you, Wild Woman!

  16. Beautifully said, as always. And lovely, in the face of it all, to keep saving what we can. Thank you for always being the voice of Love.

  17. I hear your plea and pray that multitudes also do.
    (I chose your prompt)
    Happy new beginnings!


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