
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

If You Are Vigilant, This Poem Will Depress You

For all of my vigilance,
my awareness, absorbing of facts,
understanding of all
that has been set in place,
to now play itself out
with desperate results
for all living beings....

Even though the information
has now hit mainstream news....

Nothing is changing fast enough
and I am exhausted
from carrying the weight
of all that I know
to no good effect.

Water is still polluted,
governments are corrupt
and do not serve the people,
corporations do not have to
clean up their mess,
and poor people pay
so the rich can stay rich.

Those who speak truth are reviled,
and those who should be reviled
are excused

and this poem is as depressing
as the morning news.
Feel free to not read it.

LOL. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. But I truly am exhausted by it all. Yet the sun is out, it is a beautiful day and today I will walk in the forest. Great blessings.

For Susan's prompt at Midweek Motif: Vigilance.


  1. Yes this is all true what to do...I know...bugger it...come over to my place and we'll get pissed and have a good larf:)

  2. LOL.......a glass of wine makes the news go down fine?

  3. Replies
    1. LOL. Am happy you spared yourself. I do that often with the news these days.

  4. So brilliant, Sherry! I hope writing this lightened the load a little. I'm going to put it out there to do its work.

  5. The Times... ugh, don't get me started

  6. Sigh! Where do we even start? Hope you’ve enjoyed your day😊

  7. Sherry,
    I fully understand your frustrations about things. I read endless reports about risks and dangers to our planet, but as you rightly say, nothing seems to be done to effect any meaningful changes to the dire situation.
    I guess we can only contribute our own offerings and pray for the rest to finally see the light!
    Remaining vigilant...

  8. I know your heart is heavy and I can feel it in your poem. Sometimes, you just have to vent and still hope for some sort of change. I just hope it comes soon.

    I have decided to only watch the local news for a while as world news was stressing me out.

  9. We are doing the best we can. It is so sad that most people really do not care. Let's share a cup of tea with a single malt enhancer

  10. Nothing is changing fast enough
    and I am exhausted
    from carrying the weight
    of all that I know
    to no good effect.

    One gets frustrated with nothingness that permeates modern living where nothing seems to be moving. This unfortunately is the norm somehow. Good observation Sherry!


  11. Sadly each new generation only have the last generation to learn from and we have failed ourselves and the futures. We have been led by greedy people and hunger ourselves for more regardless of the damage we do. We see the planet slowly dying and hope only to profit in our lifetime regardless of the future.

    1. My hope is with the young people, and their strike for climate change tomorrow. They are marching for their future. May old ears hear them.

  12. I know you are blessed in so many ways, yet I also know how you suffer with the weight of this world on your shoulders. Hope it helps that you are not alone.

  13. Such hard and unpalatable truths. What to do? Let's go on poeming....words matter.

  14. Excellent title, Sherry, which almost put me off reading! But hey, what’s a little bit of depression compared to the despair in the rest of the world? I agree about being exhausted from carrying the weight of knowledge to no good effect.

  15. I can feel the fatigue of one who cares so much - we can only hope the world will change


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