
Friday, April 19, 2019


Clayoquot Sound

Looking at my row of books,
my small, gathered treasures,
I wonder when the tsunami will come
and wash it all away.

The whales, the wolves, 
the birds, the bears, 
all know it’s coming.

Shall I send the things
I most want saved away?
Or dare I hope that all of this
dear landscape that I love
will stay?

For Kerry’s prompt at Real Toads: to write a poem in twelve lines or less about the topic that sparks one’s muse the most. Climate crisis is never far from my thoughts and, thus, my poems.


  1. Oh, is anywhere safe from nature? I so understand this.

  2. All I can say Sherry is, YES!!!


  3. Nothing is safe if we keep on this path of destruction... when will we realize???

  4. Somehow i think the coastlines will be eaten away inch by inch so that no one really notices the difference until it is too late.

  5. Did you read the "Big Yellow Taxi" lyrics uet?
    (If this is literal you'd best find a friend on a hill to store what you aren't reading or storing)

    "They paved paradise
    And put up a parking lot
    With a pink hotel, a boutique
    And a swinging hot spot

    Don't it always seem to go
    That you don't know what you've got til its gone
    They paved paradise
    And put up a parking lot

    They took all the trees ..."

  6. I seriously hope mankind isn't too late to save the planet.❤️

  7. Rather than merely hope, I think we'd better pray!


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