
Monday, April 1, 2019


Tonquin Beach

April is
a sunny day, warm as summer,
at the beach:
patting dogs,
watching the water,
talking about saving trees
and What We Can Do
with friends.....

and a small grey whale,
in the water close to us:
"A whale! A whale!"
the cry goes up.

A gift, a gift,
I whisper.
All of it,
a gift.

for Real Toads on the first day of Poetry Month


  1. Oh, what a lovely sight that must be!

  2. That sight is a gift indeed. I love how you portray this scene in its natural wonder and innocence. :-)

  3. This is incredibly beautiful, Sherry!❤️ I would love to visit one day!

  4. I love the companionship that shines through your poem, Sherry, and the excitement at the whale. An April gift indeed.

  5. lovely and enticing, a wonderful spring moment to capture the heart and hold it in tenderness and awe :)

  6. Wow. That really is a gift! What Can We Do?? Good question. Well, we can start with writing poems :)

    1. We are working on saving trees, Marian. Working with the District on forming a tree protection bylaw, because the trees are falling too fast, and we need every tree we have to suck up the carbon. This "rainforest" has had very little rain this year and everything is drying out. Already there are wildfires on the Island. Yet the trees keep coming down. Sigh.

  7. Yes. It is all a gift and your poem is as well. A whale! I used to enjoy going down to the NC coast in the winter when the whales were heading south and standing at the end of a pier and seeing them. I love this poem. such a wonderful gift it is.

  8. Had to laugh. You get a sunny day and a whale sighting. Here we had snow flurries most of the day and not a lot of anything else moving. And yes, your day was a gift shared with all of us. Thank you...

  9. I've not been to a whale watching affair, quite a party atmosphere is the selling hype. I've seen whales, not real close. I've been on an alligator watching affair through the Louisiana swamps but didn't see any. Our guide attempted to entice them with marshmallows but not one alligator came. But I have seen alligators in the neighborhood, mostly at the golf course ponds.
    Sounds like your group did better, congratulations.

  10. Nature's beautiful gifts we all must cherish and respect:)

  11. As this poem is a gift to us. Thanks ...

  12. Your choice is formatting suits this beautiful scene perfectly.

  13. Lovely, Sherry. I totally forgot about poetry month!

  14. Even a small whale is cause for celebration...


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