
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Behind Lace Curtains, Eyes

Kelowna in the 60's
Don Collier photo

Behind lace curtains, Eyes lurked everywhere,
noting my passage, reporting to my Grandma
that I was seen laughing too loudly in the street,
or, worse, Riding in Cars With Boys.

Whatever will the neighbours think?
I was admonished, lectured, advised,
all for naught. 
I still cackle too loudly in the street,
though I should have heeded the advice 
about Riding in Cars With Boys -
it came to no good end,
but did, thankfully, come to an end.

The passage of angst for every teen
needs soft smiles, approving eyes,
and space to Just Be.
And what the neighbours think,
thankfully, isn't worth a damn.

for Marian's prompt at Real Toads: Etiquette. In small town Kelowna, in the 60's, it was still like the 50's. The town reacted with alarm when the first hippies arrived at City Park - they were immediately escorted firmly out. LOL. I escaped to the city and became blessedly invisible as soon as I got out of high school.


  1. Yeah, I really get this, Sherry. "It's not about you, it's about what people will think." Who gives a shit what people think?

  2. My mom used to say, "What will other people say?" Like the entire world was always watching and cared. I'm with you. Who gives a damn?

  3. Great retrospective, Sherry! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I was brought up on 'what would the neighbours think?' too. But was much too cowed to laugh loudly in the street, let alone go riding in cars with boys – until circumstances got me out from under the parental gaze, to University in a different State : the beginning of liberation.

  5. Who cares what people think? Just be the wonderful, inspiring soul you are!💞

  6. One of the last shreds of adolescence is getting rid of the feeling that everyone is judging you and finding you wanting.. It can linger on into adulthood.

  7. There is an appropriate pride in one's family "name" - but the over-active worrying about "what will the neighbors think" is often debilitating and annoying. I hear you - sometimes moving away IS the answer...

  8. Yes, it doesn't matter a bit what the neighbor's think. Girls gotta have room to run.


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