
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

In Love With the Wild

I walk in solitary bliss, in  love
with the sky and the song of the sea.
Beaming at every rock and tree,
I feel love smiling back at me.

Wall of cedar out my window,
golden-greening in the sun,
beckons me forth into the morning,
and the sunny day begun.

Nature's gifts lie all around us.
Walk in wonder like a child.
Solitude is never lonely,
when you're in love with the wild.

for Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif: Solitude


  1. Sherry, such a wondrous world that your poem paints, within its stanzas. So different from the concrete jungle that most urban centers are. Where nature is restrained by man-made artifacts, devoid of life and energy. Thank you.

  2. I love the image and the poem!! I like that the world around you "beckons you forth into the morning!"

  3. "Solitude is never lonely,
    when you're in love with the wild."

    So perfectly expressed Sherry

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  4. What wise and beautiful words. I'm so glad you're content with your solitude and still enjoying your walks in nature.

  5. Gorgeous poem love it It is brimming with delight and totally agree. I too am in love with the wild

  6. Lovely, I always try to walk in wonder and I know you see the beauty around you.

  7. I love that picture and the Beaming at every rock and tree...

  8. We live in a beautiful world but so few of us appreciate it. Thank heavens I saw it at its best before too many miners, tree fellers, and oil drillers ruined it without putting it back as it was.

  9. Beautiful, and well said. We are never lonely, when in love with the wild. Love this!

  10. If this poem is still single, I think I will risk polygamy and marry it. I just love it so much (maybe because I can see me all over it--when I pick a rock a parking lot and people look at me funny (since they obviously fail to see that the rock just made googly eyes at me so I can't just leave it there). There is magic in loving the wild and noticing that it is loving you back!

  11. Oh, I DO understand what it means to be in love with the wild!

  12. Amen! As I started reading I thought " how hard to imagine Sherry alone" and that is exactly what you said. No fears, no friendlessness when with the welcoming wild.

  13. Very few get this opportunity, sherry. Consider yourself lucky, my friend. You have to come here to see us trapped in our apartments amidst concrete jungles.
    Lovely reading your lines always. Miss you guys...xx

  14. It’s great to share things with other people but I think we see more when we ‘walk in solitary bliss’. You’ve captured that so well in your poem, Sherry. I agree with you wholeheartedly that ’Solitude is never lonely, / when you're in love with the wild’.

  15. It's amazing how the bliss associated with solitude is fully felt when nature takes part.

  16. So true Sherry! Nature's gifts are soul stirring and makes for good company.

  17. Being in love with wild things keeps you from a lonely solitude. Love this, Sherry!

  18. thank you for this - an excellent reminder ~


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