
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Small Bird (Singing Her Song)

"Come into the Darkness," she enticed,
voice seductive and encouraging.
"It's nice in here,
and you'll find tons of friends."
I was thinking about it;
it was tempting to join those
who felt doomed,
as if we could be
no better than we are.

Then I saw a small yellow bird,
sitting on a branch,
singing the sweetest song,
as if there will always be
sunlight that doesn't burn,
and trees for sitting in.

And we owe her that.

"I think I'll stay out here," I said.

In the Light, we can see all that is wrong.
But also, so many hearts and hands
and voices,
striving for what is right,
dreaming of what Could Be.

And for the sake of
all the innocent creatures
and children in the world,
I join Small Yellow Bird
in her song of Hope.

For Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif at Poets United: Darkness Is.......


  1. I like that little yellow bird. Yellow the color of renewal. Lovely.

  2. Oh this is incredibly beautiful and heartfelt verse, Sherry! I join you too!❤️

  3. Wise speaker, I think I'll join him/her too. Beautiful, Sherry.

  4. "as if there will always be
    sunlight that doesn't burn,
    and trees for sitting in"

    To have the choice and be guided by the yellow bird, no matter how small. That is beautiful!

  5. "sunlight that doesn't burn,
    and trees for sitting in."

    Such a besutiful image. Luv this song of hope Sherry


  6. "I join Small Yellow Bird
    in her song of Hope." beautiful, makes you want to join to. Loved your poem

  7. Tons of friends would be the big turn off for me:)I like the the little yellow bird.

  8. I hope that the few small voices become a roaring crowd to show that we need to save the Earth from destruction in human hands. It has been the hottest ever in parts of Australia and coldest ever in parts of the northern hemisphere this year. If that is not a warning of imminent global warming and change I don't know what is. It is time for action!

  9. sunlight that doesn't burn,
    and trees for sitting in... hope the small yellow birds win in the end!

  10. I love the thought of the little flash of gold in the light singing sweetly oh so bright.

  11. "dreaming of what Could Be."...One could feel the abysmal darkness behind the dream. I'd too love to join the yellow bird. This poem is a beauty Sherry.

  12. So many times birds have guided me out of darkness. Love this poem.

  13. It's always best to follow what works best for us, and what makes us work better for those in need.

  14. I think I'll join you and the little yellow bird. It sounds like I'd have two pleasant companions in this all-too-often dark and dangerous world.

  15. "Then I saw a small yellow bird,
    sitting on a branch,
    singing the sweetest song,
    as if there will always be
    sunlight that doesn't burn,
    and trees for sitting in."

    Sometimes a small, yellow bird can pull us into the light again. Love this, Sherry!

  16. Oh, your words give me hope, Sherry! I may well be enticed by that enigmatic dark voice since it feels so easy to fall to despair. Your calling that "in the Light, we can see all that is wrong.
    But also, so many hearts and hands/and voices,/striving for what is right,/dreaming of what Could Be" spoke to me.


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