
Saturday, October 27, 2018

My Musey Meez

I write surrounded by wolves
and nature: wolves and herons and elephants
gaze down on me, and a wall of trees,
green and alive, and full of birds,
thrives outside my window.
My wolf-pup's eyes gaze ever at me:
steadfast, patient, loyal, eternal.

Often, my  eyes go to the trees outside,
to watch them dance, to witness
my lone hummingbird coming to the feeder,
leftover from the summer past.

My meez offers keys or pen, in invitation.
The muse is balky; it starts and stalls,
then spits out a few words or lines.
I look into the eyes on the wall:
the eyes of the wild that I love
and celebrate in my work,
that companioned me throughout my life,
that I live and die for.
A wolf howl is lodged in my heart.
Now and then it escapes
into a poem.

for Toni's prompt at Real Toads: to write about our "meez" - the actual physical place where we write. Mine, as you can see, is surrounded by wolves and nature: my greatest inspiration.


  1. I love where you write! and it is perfect for you, surrounded by nature. thank you for posting this wonderful poem.

  2. Love your place of writing, and I can actually see your place in the way you write your poems...

  3. "A wolf howl is lodged in my heart.
    Now and then it escapes
    into a poem."

    That is a poem all by itself.

  4. Ooh, that is one wonderful place and setting to write.
    This is so beautiful: "to witness/my lone hummingbird coming to the feeder,/leftover from the summer past."
    And the wolf howl resounds in your words too. <3

  5. Love the wild, love the poetry, love your life. What can be better than that!

  6. A beautiful space to write, Sherry! I love all the artwork. I see that outside can be both distraction and inspiration for you too!

  7. This sounds so perfectly you, Sherry! Beautiful!

  8. Writing with animal mellows your write. I wrote a lot with Adi by my side, she was a therapy dog and helped calm quite a few folk. Cats also calm, I think your wolves do you.


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