
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Life's Golden Beauty, All I Know

I try to hold the flickering flame
fast faltering my eyes before,
to clasp it for some moments more,
its magic mine to keep and tame.
It flickers out, no one to blame.

I try to slow the speeding days,
delay them as they canter past.
I want them to forever last;
they rush towards sunset's golden haze,
extinguish in a fiery blaze.

One does not ask the question "Why?"
We live our lives, hoping the end
will answer like a loving friend.
Our choices, as the days go by,
have cast our fate. We live. We die.

Sunset too close, lit by its glow,
I want this life to never end,
as day by day my last ones spend,
bedazzled by its fiery show ~
life's golden beauty, all I know.

One from 2015, shared with the Poetry Pantry at Poets United. Come join us Sunday morning!


  1. I want this life to never end,
    as day by day my last ones spend,

    When is treating us well this feeling we desire most. Those blessed are privileged Sherry!


  2. I empathize, Sherry. I want this life never to end either. I think this wish is universal. I too hope that the end will answer like a loving friend, and hope that what will happen after death will be more beautiful than we can imagine!

  3. A beautiful longing this is that makes everything look so precious just like this life is. Love the rhythm and rhyme.

  4. "We live our lives, hoping the end/will answer like a loving friend": Ah, this is so evocative. This feeling is so mature and stemming from a humane philosophical thought.

  5. Such an affirming poem..i love your spirit which so clearly shines in your words

  6. I absolutely love this poem Sherry 💞 and was deeply touched by: "We live our lives, hoping the end will answer like a loving friend." 😊

  7. This was quite moving. Facing down a hard limit in our lives often causes contemplation, but there is no limit as hard as the the moment of our last breath.

  8. We have lived our lives and like schoolchildren now hope for a good report so whatever happens we will still be of some value somewhere; perhaps as a wolf or a dolphin even!

  9. yes if its good to you, you want it to last forever, and why not
    Happy Sunday Sherry

    much love...

  10. this was enjoyable for me. good write Sherry!

  11. O! Such loving hope!
    "its magic mine to keep and tame"

  12. How perfect, to spend each day in gratitude!! The earth responds with its beauty.

  13. "One does not ask the question 'Why?'" I'm right with you, one doesn't ask why. Every second one spends wondering why is a second one loses. Might as well spend the time delighting in the living that is left.

  14. Such a profound, philosophical poem. Loved it :)

  15. A beautiful poem and affirmation Sherry. they rhythm and rhyme are so freeing. stopped asking why years ago. Now I think I aim finally able to keep moving ahead. Thank you. You may find my poem posted today interesting.

  16. These lines speak to me so clearly:
    'I try to slow the speeding days,
    delay them as they canter past.
    I want them to forever last;
    they rush towards sunset's golden haze,
    extinguish in a fiery blaze.'

  17. Lovely! Beautifully constructed and rendered, Sherry. The sentiment you have put words to, is very close to my heart … and, indeed, my conscious thought - as days slip by, faster and faster.

  18. this is absolutely beautiful, Sherry.
    these lines are stunning :"We live our lives, hoping the end
    will answer like a loving friend."

    profound poem.

  19. I, too would love to slow time down- to savour the precious moments.

  20. I can feel that longing too.... Take care Sherry!


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