
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Wild Tofino Waves

Yesterday we had a storm and the waves were 30 feet high. Beaches were closed, as they were covered by water, and access trails were awash, with big logs roaring around. I got no photos, but saw on facebook that at one parking lot where I often go, cars got flooded out!

This is the trail I usually use, but access is 
now blocked by logs.  I had to content myself with 
standing  behind them and using my zoom.

The surfers were happy!
They said they've never seen it like this.
Yesterday's waves were apparently 
the biggest ever recorded.

Beautiful and wild.

Dogs were all infected by the wildness

except this pup
who needed a little reassurance
and whom I delightfully got to pat 
when he came up to the trail.

Home with a happy heart.
We have been waiting for 
the wild waves of winter.

They are exhilarating.


  1. Fun for the surfers can be most exhilarating, yes, though rather risky.


  2. Wow!!! Those waves ARE impressive. Excellent photos, Sherry.

  3. Awesome waves! Thanks for sharing. Being back in the desert, I miss the ocean.
    MNL (Cactus Haiku)


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