
Monday, January 1, 2018


As the old bedraggled,
disappointing year skulks away,
may you approach the new,
shining with possibility,
your eyes wide with wonder
like a Christmas child.

May you open the package 
of each day,
gift-wrapped in sunrise colours,
to find something in it
of beauty, of laughter, of affection,
of gratitude, of Hope.

May 2017 unravel its 
weeks and months
full of community, 
of working together
in the cause of social justice.
May the old year sing out the tears,
the   disillusion, the events
that broke our hearts,
and show us a new day,
tinged golden with the promise
of better times ahead.

I wish you hearts filled
with possibility and promise.
I wish you times at home
with loved ones close by,
faces shining in the firelight.
I wish you flights of poetry
to make your heart soar,
and dogs with thumping tails
inside your front door
to greet you as you enter.

Most of all,
as the new year dawns
and we bid farewell
to the darkness of 2017,
I wish you a happy heart.

I wish you Love.

I wrote this poem for my New Years Day feature today at Poets United, where the staff has gathered a posey of poems to welcome the new year in. May 2018 bring you all good things - and poetry!

Also sharing it with the Tuesday Platform at Real Toads, where Sanaa is beginning the year with positivity and hopefulness.


  1. Thanks for the upbeat wishes Sherry

  2. A beautiful ode to the new year 😊. Wishing the best of health and happiness!

  3. Happy new year... may 2018 be better... may peace come upon us.

  4. Happy new year Sherry and may we all find that happiness in our hearts!

  5. Peace to us all Sherry. I loved this flower in the posey.

  6. Nice And Very useful info,This article important the for me is.Thanks to the writer.
    Happy New Year Dear.....

  7. This is soo wonderfully heartening, Sherry!💞 A poem I would definitely want to hold onto. Happy New Year!🎉🎊

  8. Your first 3 adjectives sum up my opinion of last year to a tee.

    Let's hope this is a better one for the world and ourselves.

  9. I'll take all of that, thank you. And a full heart to you this year.

  10. Beautiful wishes, Sherry. Thank you for them.

  11. Happy New Year Sherry! I wish you become much more active, visit new places and write even more in this year :)


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