
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

He Who Walks Among the Stars

From up here,
the world looks new,
peaceful, beautiful,

Down below live
people with holes in their hearts,
toxicity on their brains,
struggle on their paths.
They are longing for
wholeness and healing,
even if they don't know.
Down below,
looking up and dreaming,
live people
with the ability to
make the whole world new,
if they but choose.

One walks among them who shows
that it is possible to reach out
and do good
even in the midst of
one's own struggle.

He is a man
on his journey,
He Who Walks Among the Stars,
who told of one small boy's death
and woke his country up.
The chief thanked him for
"taking the time to care
about our people."

That is how we will remember him,
a man with time to love one small boy,
and, through him, a whole people,
before he took his
walk among the stars.

I wrote this one year ago, when Gord Downie, leader of the Tragically Hip, on his journey through brain cancer,  completed his farewell tour across Canada.   One of his most important works was a short film called The Secret Path, a true story about a twelve year old boy who died while escaping from residential school in 1966. Last December, First Nations chiefs and communities gathered to honour him, with an eagle feather, a blanket, and the gift of his native name, Man Who Walks Among the Stars. Gord cried throughout the ceremony, calling it the best day of his life.

The link on Gord's name will take you to the moving video of the ceremony.

Gord Downie died last night, age 53, after a heroic year. His message: that it is long past time for Canadians to address reconciliation with the First Nations people of Canada. I agree. The country mourns his loss.


  1. So moving to watch him in the ceremony. I'll make time to view the film and learn more about this man. Wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Paul. Dying, he devoted his last years to reconciliation with First Nations. They trusted him, which shows the man he was.......

  2. Today, he truly walks among the stars.

  3. Beautiful, what a testimony to what I know is full-heartedness.

  4. Only 53! Sigh. A beautiful tribute Sherry.

  5. Beautiful and moving tribute for "a man with time to love". Thank you, Sherry!

  6. So much to do in so short a time. But given the honor, it was worth the efforts!


  7. If only.......thank you for the story about him, the man who walks among the stars.

  8. Sherry, this breaks my heart. What a wonderful story and what a wonderful poem/tribute you write. Hugs, Jane (Lady Nyo)


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