
Friday, August 25, 2017

Waking at Two A.M.

"All i want to do is go to sleep,"
my heart said,
having been hurt beyond
how much one heart can bear.

But then, you came,
tapping on my window
at two a.m.,
and you woke me,
woke me,
from my long sleep.

For Rommy's prompt at Real Toads.

I took the seventh sentence on page thirteen of the book Peaceful Passages, a Hospice Nurse's Stories of Dying Well, by Janet Wehr, which was "All I want to do is go to sleep."


  1. This is so simple and lovely, a time to sleep/heal and a time to love again :-)

  2. Oh! You've told such a pretty story in those few words. <3

  3. Love how the story turned... We are always ready to forgive I think.

  4. Sometimes love is the only thing that can waken our heart....this is lovely Sherry!

  5. Oh my Sherry. this brought to mind the many times my mother would say, just let me sleep...I would sit by her bed watching her sleep and praying she would not wake up. This brought tears.

  6. There is a time for everything... even for mourning to end and love to begin again. I imagine this is about a beloved dog and a stray. I hope so. It would warm my heart.

  7. Whatever it was at "the window", the feel of this poem changed.

  8. Delectable! There's so much in the unsaid; it's perfectly done.

  9. Turned on a sixpence - so poignant and lovely!

  10. Two things are here; a pause for rest and forgiveness, where both see that it is not over tthey both still care.

  11. To get a peaceful death is indeed a blessing.

  12. a soft rap-tap-tapping of a poem

  13. As always, you touched my heart.

  14. Animal, mineral, vegetable or human? I'm guessing the first.

  15. I love the tapping~ The softness of spiritual gifts lingers with this one!

  16. really nice poem. I've missed you.
    I'm finally writing again. Mostly right now I just want to reconnect with everyone and read some of your poems.


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