
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Art of Mending

Mending the Earth 


How to mend the heart
so grievously injured?
Infusions of love.


To help the oppressed,
we must extend our full hands
and give all we have.


How mend Mother Earth
ravaged by corporate greed?
With cupped hands, and our tears.


So much is broken
but it still can be mended:
Compassionate action.


How fight the darkness,
the tyrants, the injustice?
Pray. March. Act. Write. Vote.


for Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif: Kintsugi: Art of Mending

Lord knows this poor world, its people and all of its creatures are in desperate need of healing, mending, turning a corner from darkness into the light.


  1. The third one is my favourite

    much love...

  2. POW, power! I love very line.

  3. I do hope we can but I beieve that the big corporations and tycoons are both deaf and blind. Already we have seen disasters caused by carelessness in mining, drilling, clearing forests and over fishing and waste disposal yet governments that we elect still support them.

  4. These are all wonderful. Full of hope. Well done !

  5. Greed for money and power that spawns war and hunger and homelessness and breaks the earth... needs a superhuman, concerted global effort to begin to mend it.

  6. So many different ways to be a part of the healing. Lovely, Sherry.

  7. Oh, I hope we can mend what's broken in the world and preserve what we have. Thank you for the lovely haiku!

  8. "Pray. March. Act. Write. Vote."...The only light to dispel darkness and mend the brokenness. So well put Sherry, yes, every line.

  9. Always write to empower - you do so well in that Sherry

  10. Love your poem and especially the part:
    How fight the darkness,
    the tyrants, the injustice?
    Pray. March. Act. Write. Vote

    A call for activism in every form. I am in!

  11. Whistles!❤️ This is deliciously fiery and potent, Sherry!❤️

  12. We need to find the motivation to effect positive change and to sustain that energy without sacrificing more....
    I know it’s hard. But, I’m right there with you. Just remember that it will get better. Amen!!
    Thank you for writing with so much strength, Sherry!! Beautiful....

  13. Indeed, we can only fight by being (ourselves) and doing...

  14. Ah, your poem expresses so much, Sherry. There is definitely so much to mend in this world.

  15. "Pray. March. Act. Write. Vote." The best was saved for last. That's how SF's public schools were changed.

  16. yes, every single, simple thing we can do will bring changes...hoping for better world....thoughtful!

  17. Wow. I need more poets like you in my life. Especially now, with everything coming undone.

    You almost make me want to dare to hope again.

  18. Very beautiful and wise words Sherry. The first 2 stanzaa remind me of how it is in AA recovery. Part of the steps in recovery is to give back and to help others, and that is very healing in itself.


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