
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Wild Woman Waves Her Freak Flag

There goes Wild Woman,
head way back, 
and grinning at the sky,
grooving on the puffy clouds
in this almost-July.

She's babbling to the crows
who are making such a din.
She's all adrift in wonder
at this miracle we're in.

She's dancing in the meadow
as she sings a wolfish song.
Some may think she's weird,
but 13 witches can't be wrong.

The blood of Wild Woman
is running through her veins.
They've tried and failed to change her;
 she's too blissfully deranged.

Don't stop her, let her frolic
with the creatures wild and free.
They know she understands them.
They are kindred. Blessed Be.

She's looking at a world
that's just as pretty as you please.
There goes Wild Woman grinning,
freak flag waving in the breeze.

for Magaly's Beautiful Freaks Fest. I couldn't let a beautiful freak fest go by!


  1. So pleased you celebrated your freak (as some would label) to me 'blissfully deranged' is a necessary state of mind in this world ;) LOVE x

  2. This is brilliant!! Really love your poem!!!

  3. Sherry, this is delicious. And, you are certainly correct, "13 witches can't be wrong". Heck, they might even be differently correct, just to add to the wild.

    I love the playful tone, all the Nature you bring into your verse... and, of course, your howls made song. :-D

  4. She is right - this is delicious. It is wildly dancing and curling round the reader. Oh scrumptious, playful and good. I like it! Yes mam!

  5. Haha! A sight to please sore eyes!

  6. Loving this wild woman song..infused with magic..fantastic imagery dancing through every line..beautiful!

  7. I absolutely LOVE the buoyant spirit and defiance in this!!❤️

  8. Extremely well done. There is more to her than meets the "eye". Relax and enjoy the show.

  9. Soooooooo love this!!! Ha feel like singing it loud :)

  10. Love the "blissfully deranged." Would be a great title for another piece!

  11. Really like your rhyme in this poem, and the subject matter too, .........13 witches.......A most enjoyable read, Sherry.

  12. Beautiful Wild Woman song, I imagined all us bloggers gathered on a wild retreat.


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