
Friday, April 7, 2017


Wickaninnish Beach Sun Dog
(the driftwood looks like a wolf to me)

When sun dogs dance across the sky,
the sacred prophecy is at hand,
as the Children of the Rainbow
begin to walk across the land.

Hush, now, and listen,
for the Grandmothers are speaking:

"Like a new-born, wobbly foal,
you're trying to find your skittery legs,
in a time of great change
as land and waters re-arrange.
You'll feel the wobble in the earth
turmoil in the land and sea.
As our Mother Earth gives birth,
we'll learn a balanced way to be."

The people of the Rainbow
were born seeing with new eyes.
May those ready to awaken
hear our Mother's painful cries.

"Getting More must now give way
to the sharing of All with All.
We must return to the Old Ways,
let polluted systems fall.
There will be turmoil in the turning.
Trust those with twinkles in their eyes.
They are cool water to ease the burning.
They are the Messengers, so wise."

Mother Earth, I feel you quickening
as the new world is a-borning,
like a shape-shifter, transforming,
response to evolution's dawning.

"In the time of whirling rainbows,
dance your prayers under the sky.
Listen to the song of the wolves,
fate of the wild world in their cry.

"Sing songs of love and peace.
Watch for a rainbow 'round the sun.
When sun dogs dance across the sky,
the Fifth World of Peace will have begun.

Ah, ho. Now we have spoken."

Thank you, Grandmothers,
for this hope and trust.
We will help the people change,
because change we must.
We will sing with the wolves
our song of tomorrow,
work to mend and heal the planet's people
and the earth its sorrow.

*To the Navajo and the Hopi, the Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow speaks of Ancestors who will return in white bodies, but who are Red on the inside. They will learn to walk the Earth Mother in balance again. The generation following the Flower Children are prophesied to be the ones who will see the dawning of the Fifth World of Peace.

from April, 2016, to be shared with the Poetry Pantry at Poets United, where you can find good poetry every Sunday morning.

source: Whirling Rainbow Prophecy


  1. we need that wisdom, now more than ever ~

  2. Thank you for joining your wisdom with theirs and giving us this gift.

  3. Thank you for this very timely reminder. Hard not to despair at such times as this; easy to forget or disbelieve that we are in fact on the brink of the Golden Age that is to come. With renewed heart, let's help it arrive ... as you say!

  4. Thank you for the spring rains of the ancient's wisdom expressed, so well, through your faithful hand.

  5. Ah, we have to keep singing those optimistic song of love and peace, especially now!

  6. Will be watching for that rainbow round the sun...

  7. "Sing songs of love and peace.
    Watch for a rainbow 'round the sun.
    When sun dogs dance across the sky,
    the Fifth World of Peace will have begun.....Really liked this Sherry.

  8. At such dark hours we seek such words of beautiful Sherry.

  9. Your story telling prowess shines through ; my favourite verse

    "Sing songs of love and peace.
    Watch for a rainbow 'round the sun.
    When sun dogs dance across the sky,
    the Fifth World of Peace will have begun.

    much love...

  10. One of the saddest things I have learned over the years is how little wisdom we have in both looking after ourselves and the Earth itself. We care so little for the future that we are happy to destroy the world for some temporary gain for a few. It may be best to somehow get back to the old ways, lets hope my children's children can find a way. Thank you Sherry for being the voice we need.

  11. ""Getting More must now give way
    to the sharing of All with All."

    There is no other way around it.

  12. I too can hear their songs of wisdom, so beautifully sung in your poem. I also see the wolf. So very symbolic my friend.

  13. Sherry, you bring good news in your poem. It will come to past, that is not a question. It is the "when" that forms the question......but like all good things we must learn to wait until the time is now.

  14. Lovely words of wisdom and hope!

  15. So beautiful, and so uplifting...I'm always drawn to people with twinkles in their eyes! And I agree, that piece of driftwood looks like a wolf.

  16. A gorgeous poem filled with beauty.

  17. That was pure awesomeness :)incorporating a Beautiful legend/prophecy too!

  18. "In the time of whirling rainbows,
    dance your prayers under the sky.
    Listen to the song of the wolves,
    fate of the wild world in their cry."


  19. Yes. The mother is giving birth. Its labor is painful but something new is coming to life. I like that you brought this wonderful poem back. I need to dwell in its prophecy.

  20. Oh, may what the grandmothers speak come to pass--and soon!

  21. THIS, I get. This I can get behind. Magnificent poem.

  22. "You'll feel the wobble in the earth turmoil in the land and sea. As our Mother Earth gives birth" ... epically impactful ... stunning lines of poetry. For some reason I envisioned it being read aloud to the sound of waves coming to shore. Perhaps it is the birthing metaphor. Fantastic writing.

  23. Watch for a rainbow 'round the sun.
    When sun dogs dance across the sky,
    the Fifth World of Peace will have begun.

    One would have hoped it would come not just for Navahoes and Hopis but for mankind!


  24. Full of hope and beauty reminding us of what's really important. Thanks Sherry! Hugs!

  25. Beautiful Sherry, the grandmothers speak with wisdom, and we must all lean in to listen,



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