
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Memories We Carry

created for me by The Unknown Gnome

There is plenty of room for nostalgia
when one has lived for seventy years
on the planet:
our heart is weighted with memories -
of the Old Days, in 1950's Kelowna,
when life seemed sunny
and simple and secure,
viewed from Grandma's kitchen
where no bad things could enter in.......

of days as a young mother
of four growing kids:
hikes up Knox Mountain,
afternoons at the lake,
Christmases full of magic
and children's laughter
forever gone.......

Years I spent longing for
my place of heart........
and now I am here,
happy as I wander through the village,
grateful as I walk along the beach.
Why were there tears this morning?
Because every beach,
and every trail I follow,
are ones I walked with you,
big, noisy, laughing
black wolf of my heart,
and I miss you,
and Jasmine,
and Luke and Blakey -
all my furry loves.
But I carry you with me.
I carry you in my heart,
along the sandy shore,
where once, without a care,
we walked before.

for Sumana's prompt at Midweek Motif: Nostalgia

Nostalgia is the landscape of the old....a longing for a place as well as a's where we elders are when you see a distant look in our eyes. We are remembering, visiting the richness of our inner landscapes. These days, I'm nostalgic for everything before this past election!


  1. And yet we would not be without these memories!

  2. Beautiful!

    Thanks for dropping in to read mine

    Much love...

  3. The richness of our inner landscapes... I think that's beautiful.

  4. You have so much reason for nostalgia, Sherry....from childhood until today. Seems life comes full circle sometimes, and it is good that this are back at the place of your heart.

  5. Your words are like songs from a star that memories left behind

  6. There have been many blessings in your life and the play is not over yet.

  7. yearning for those forever gone do bring tears yet we have our memories, such precious gifts of life…

  8. Now you are there, you may have to have nostalgia for other places! Still, you walk in memory, dogs swishing around your legs like waves, a smile on your face.

  9. I love the term "visiting our inner landscapes". I've reached that point in my life as well. Beautiful words here. Thank you.

  10. I like to think of the dogs in my life that are looking down at me now wondering how soon I be going on a walk with them again.

  11. Oh this is such a heart-stirring poem, Sherry!❤️ Especially love; "But I carry you with me. I carry you in my heart, along the sandy shore, where once, without a care, we walked before." Beautifully penned.❤️

    Lots of love,

  12. Last night, I grabbed two treats. One for each dog. I "forgot" that Daisy is no longer with us. I too miss all my furry friends that have gone to their heaven. And I too am nostalgic for things prior to that man. I shudder to think of the damage he's doing.

  13. Nothing is better than a full heart, full of memories, full of those precious ones who have gone before.

  14. First of all, I love the artwork! These lines, "viewed from Grandma's kitchen
    where no bad things could enter in......"
    wasn't it so true?? I am soon going to be 63 (May) and sometimes it seems like memories is all I have left. It's not true of course. I take it you're loving your move? Hugs!

  15. Tears are the remedy for nostalgia's aches and pains...
    Lovely poem, Sherry.


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