
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wild Woman Has A Vision

White Buffalo Calf Woman

Wild Woman has a vision
of the world,
now that the seventh generation
has arrived,
now that the white buffalo calf
has been born,
and the Rainbow Race
is arising.

Corporate greed will not
loosen its grasp willingly.
Money-lust has caught
its captives in its
deathly grasp so tight
they don't even realize
their souls are dying.

But for the other 98 percent,
our spirits rise
to the vision of a world
longing for social justice,
a world of care for Mother Earth
and all her creatures,
a world where humans
are as beautiful and connected
as the other expressions
of creation: a fox,
a tributary,
a fiddlehead fern.

Wild Woman is told this vision
is impossible.
But it is Possible.
It is here, now,
within our grasp,
in every choice
we make.

for Susan's prompt at Midweek Motif: Vision. A great prompt for a brand new year. Let's use our purchasing power wisely, since dollar bills is the only language corporations speak.


  1. Gorgeous:

    "a world where humans
    are as beautiful and connected
    as the other expressions
    of creation: a fox,
    a tributary,
    a fiddlehead fern."

  2. I was about to quote the exact lines that Cello did! Such wise choices, these examples of realized creation of beloved community. I choose to ope. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for casting this vision. May it be realised in our lifetime!

  4. I think we all dream of your kind of world, Sherry. :-)

  5. Certainly a vision that can be realized if chosen. Beautiful, Sherry.

  6. What a beautiful and thoughtful poem.
    May you touch your vision

  7. We should always remember we are the comsumers that make people rich so have enormous power in choosing wisely.

  8. When consumers come together globally, a lot can indeed be done to force the right decisions. Hope there is a way to make that happen Sherry.

  9. when visionaries utter words, they leave dreamscape and land into reality..."now that the white buffalo calf / has been born,"...this Faith in good times gives all the impetus to live and not just exist...
    everything / one has a lifetime & so does corporate greed :)

  10. Wild woman passing on her gifts - lighting the rainbow and giving us hope - :-)

  11. I love this!! The poem is in itself a wonderful hymn, a prayerful and optimistic tone throughout!❤️

  12. Oh, that last verse is so powerful, and such a great reminder!

  13. Corporate greed will not
    loosen its grasp willingly.

    You can say that again Sherry! It would seem they are the chosen ones who are entitled to wealth and comfort!



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