
Friday, December 30, 2016


We have learned some new words:
post-truth, bigly, adulting,
alt-right, woke*.

There is now a new societal disorder:
election stress disorder.
They say there is nothing new
under the sun,
but this has been new to me:
the impossibility of politics
becoming reality tv,
with all its dysfunction,
hyperbole, buffoonery,
a tweeting prez,
an audience of the unawakened.

You can't make this stuff up.

We come to the end:
of an election,
of the year,
of writing our way
through disbelief, angst
and a coming to terms
with what is,
with concern for what will be.

We soldier on, fellow pilgrim,
because the only way out
is through.
Keep your eyes on the skies.
Hug a tree.
Tell her she will be all right.
Look into a dog's trusting eyes.
Dogs don't think we are idiots.
And fortunately, they don't watch the news,
thus they maintain their equilibrium.
Be like Rover.

It is good 2016 is coming to an end.
Best wishes for 2017.

* an African word, the state of being alert to injustice, especially racism

for Elizabeth Crawford's Creativity Challenge: Finish. Thank you, Elizabeth, for guiding us through these weeks, and for devoting 40 days to assisting and supporting us. Being able to express my angst truly helped me to make my way, and find some sort of footing in this brash new world we find ourselves in. I appreciate you so much.


  1. As I appreciate you, my friend. Just wish you were closer and we could cackle away an afternoon together. I love all this new language you've learned, and I too, am glad to see a New Year beginning.


  2. We may be putting a year behind us but times are not going to change.
    You offer good advice of ways to keep a positive attitude.

    the only way out
    is through

  3. I love these sections:

    "the impossibility of politics
    becoming reality tv,
    with all its dysfunction,
    hyperbole, buffoonery,
    a tweeting prez,
    an audience of the unawakened"

    "Hug a tree.
    Tell her she will be all right.
    Look into a dog's trusting eyes.
    Dogs don't think we are idiots."

  4. "You can't make this stuff up." Especially about the dog (grin). Let's keep each other safe and in the gratitude side of reality.

  5. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    Tomorrow will come - Goodbye old friends. Here we stand - May 2017 be a blessing for you

  6. The truth about post-truth: chilling and heart-rending.

    Good-bye to 2016: a gawd awful year for planet earth. The quote you live by: "We live in hope" inspires us to keep hope alive. Now, more than ever, we must strive to soldier on. All the best, to you and yours, in the new year, Sherry.


Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate it and will return your visit soon.