
Friday, November 18, 2016


Stamp Falls

Water comes first, then we follow,
gasp in a big breath of air, and then we cry.
Thus we are introduced to the world
as it always was and always will be.
Water: essential, blessed,
part of our beings from our very first day.

Through the Sacred Medicine Wheel 
I journeyed,
dipped my toes in a magical sea,
soul thrumming with the song of the waves.
My sign, my element, my spirit's home:
Mother Ocean.

Above, the sky, the air, the vast expanse,
curving over all
the great blue bowl of ether,
underfoot, the earth, brown and humble
and mothering.

I bow to you, Sky, I sing with you, Wind,
I dance in the rain, laughing
at the great clap of thunder,
feel the rushing whoosh of wind on my face,
raindrops falling on my spirit,
cleansing me anew,
healing the riven places, washing
all negative energy away.

When I am clean, 
when the Great Bowl Above grows dark,
I creep homeward, 
settle beside a crackling fire,
remember the winking stars, 
the great wheeling seabirds,
wonder at the beauty gracing this span of time 
that is still mine.

To the earth I bow, in gratitude, 
in homecoming. 
It waits to receive me
when that final moment comes,
when I will become one
with All That Is.

First, there was water,
at the end
only earth and sky.

One from winter, 2015, shared with the Poetry Pantry at Poets United. Join us for some good reading on Sunday morning.


  1. Indeed we must thank the earth for the gifts. There is so much beauty all around us. We have only to look..

  2. So true.
    I hiked in the Grand Canyon
    I know how tiny we are.
    You are truly blessed

  3. Oh Sherry I'm inhaling the poem like fresh air...

  4. this inspires my inner being, my soul, a microcosm of the universe. to be appreciative that i resided on this 'Earth' while i could still see a blue sky, the change of seasons, the trees, the once clean rivers and lakes, the oceans, the wolf roam and the eagle soar. i can only hope and wish that our children and theirs will be witness to the same. i bow and ask the 'Spirit of the Universe' to forgive us for our transgressions against the Earth and all it's living beings and to enlighten us,to provide us with an epiphany, so that we can allow this gift to live on ! gracias for this...poem of fresh air

  5. Oh, wow. This is so beautiful, Sherry.

  6. I love when your poems paint pictures that read like legends. I can see it happening, while hoping to always have water...

  7. I bow to you, Sky, I sing with you, Wind,
    I dance in the rain, laughing
    at the great clap of thunder,
    feel the rushing whoosh of wind on my face,
    raindrops falling on my spirit,
    cleansing me anew,
    healing the riven places, washing
    all negative energy away.

    Love this!! Such a beautiful feeling of hope arises and soothes 💖

  8. First, there was water,
    at the end
    only earth and sky. loved that. Beautiful writing.

  9. what i find comforting is knowing in my soul that all the grasp of Nature's hand that held while visiting her Earth will hold my hand in my journey on. lovely mi amiga

  10. What a wonderful meeting of elements.. perhaps the water is absorbed into your soul..still and always there shining brilliantly blue xo

  11. The horror of getting old is that we find we are gradually losing part of the beautiful world that shaped us through others greed and carelessness.

  12. A beautiful evocation of all the elements, particularly the beloved and vital Water.

  13. Oh, birth must have been a beautiful thing! And so good to take myself back to that moment and renewal with you. Perhaps passing on will be exactly as you describe, since everything else is. Move over, Sherry, while I move up where you are to live from this perspective! And meanwhile, your poems will strengthen me to stand with first peoples everywhere. Thank you.

  14. Through the Sacred Medicine Wheel I journeyed, Thank you for taking me on this journey of yours. I know these trails and I have journeyed to the sounds of drums and I have communed with stars and moons.

    You have a free spirit and are in tune with nature Sherry and the ocean calls you. May it always be so!

  15. There is a cycle in all, even in ourselves... even there.

  16. Beautiful Sherry. I love this one.

  17. I especially like the opening and closing of this very beautiful poem.

  18. This is such a peaceful poem, Sherry. It makes you feel clean somehow, like the water does wash away all of the dirt and nonsense in life.

  19. Luv the animation here, makes me want to join in
    "I bow to you, Sky, I sing with you, Wind,
    I dance in the rain, laughing
    at the great clap of thunder,"

    Thanks for dropping in at my Sunday Standard today

    much love...

  20. Water? I still do not run, but walk slowly in the rain.

  21. We are born if this Mother and to her we return. To see her face and hear her heart - this is the beauty of life...bkm

  22. Water was and is the first medicine. We've polluted it so much. No wonder our cultures are so corrupt.

  23. Love this Sherry, you are so good at helping us all to remember the very real natural beauty and its healing presence all around us.


  24. This is glorious, Sherry. I could actually hear sounds of nature in the background. I think it would make a sublime meditation/relaxation audio. Of course, I know, these things are far easier said than done ... but really, it would be lovely to listen to whilst de-stressing (particularly in these very stressful times)

  25. wonder at the beauty
    gracing this span of time
    that is still mine

    There is so much to savor in nature and one can do it any time when out in the open! Many do that and enjoy life at practically no cost


  26. Full circle. All of us go full circle. Amen.


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